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Nishinoya's face was red and you smiled at him. "Weren't expecting that were you?" His flustered face soon turned into a smirk. "You may have got me there but what" He leaned toward your neck and left butterfly kisses. You were caught off gaurd and you squirmed in your seat a bit. "N-Noya, we're on the bus." He smirked and whispered "What? You afraid we might get caught?~" He rubbed your thigh and kissed your neck again. You thought to yourself "What is he doing?! If someone were to catch us it would be so embarrassing!" You tried holding in the sounds you were to make if you both were alone. He could tell you were struggling to keep quiet and he giggled. "Ah what's the matter (y/n)? Don't like being teased?" You crossed your arms and whispered "Y-you can't tease me like that! Especially on a bus!" He just giggled and you both laughed it off and fell sleep on the ride home.
~~~BACK AT NEKOMA~~~ Yamamoto ran up to Kuroo while walking home after the game. "Kuroo! Did you tell her?!" Kuroo rolled his eyes. "Tell who, what?" Yamamoto laughed. "You know who I'm talking about! The third Karasuno manager!" Kuroo stopped walking. "(Y/n)?" Yamamoto smiled. "Yeah! She's hot! I can't believe Karasuno got another manager and we still have none!" Kuroo glanced at his phone. "I didn't tell her anything. " Yamamoto shook his head and crossed his arms. "Nah you guys were talking for a while, how did she react?" "Tsk, I already told you I didn't tell her anything. Can you stop following me home?" Yamamoto stopped and went down another street. Kenma was walking along side Kuroo playing his game. "You didn't tell her did you." Kuroo sighs. "Nope, but it's cool. Plenty of other fish in the sea right?" Kenma nodded. Kuroo ruffled his hair and Kenma cringed. "You gotta stop messing with my hair like that." Kuroo snickered. "Hehe, at least it finally got you to look up from your game."

~~~TIME SKIP TO NEXT MORNING~~~ If it were any other Saturday you probably would be hanging around the house or hanging out with Noya. However, it wasn't a normal Saturday, this particular Saturday will probably be one of the worst Saturdays of your life. It was only 10 am and your mother woke you. "Can't I just sleep in for just a bit more? The dinner isn't till around 8." Your mother pulled the blanket off you and you groaned. "Come on you didn't think you were gonna skip cleaning did you?" Oh and how could you forget? Saturdays are also cleaning days in this house. You started off making your bed and cleaning your desk. Once that was done, your mother called you and Asahi down for breakfast. As you sat down at the table you realized your father wasn't there. "Where's dad?" Your mom looks out the window of the driveway with your father's car missing. "He had to take of something." Your mother then changed the subject. "Look at all that rain! Goodness, looks like it's going to be a flood."
Driving in the rain was dangerous. The windshield wipers were doing the most they could trying to clean the windshield as best as possible so your father could drive safety. He had just left the Akuno Manor and pulled up near the sidewalk of Nishinoya's house. He knocked on the door. Yuu's mother answered. "Oh hello, please come inside! It's raining terribly out there!" Your father came in and took off his shoes. "I'm sorry to barge in like this but I just needed to speak with you and your son." Noya's mother was nervous. "Is there something wrong?" "Well I'll explain more when your son is here." Nishinoya's mother called Noya from the bottom of the stairs. "Yuu come down here please. It's (y/n)'s father." Nishinoya had came out the shower and was putting his home clothes on. His hair was wet and down. "I'll be there in a sec!" He quickly texted you if you were ok. He came down the stairs and sat at the table. "Is (y/n) ok?" "Y-yes she's fine, it's just..." he swallowed hard. "I can't allow you to see my daughter anymore. I'm sorry." Your father begins to put on his shoes. Nishinoya was fed up with him trying to force you to marry Akuno. "She will not marry Akuno! I love her! You know how much better I am then him!" Tears stream down his cheeks and his mother kisses his head. Your father looked Noya in these eyes and said "There's nothing I can do." Nishinoya got up and grabbed your father by the collar of his shirt. "You liar! Do you know how much pain she's in?! Just don't do this to her please!" Nishinoya's mother pulled him off your father. "Stop it!" Noya dropped to his knees, his eyes pouring out tears. Your father muttered a "sorry" then left. As your father drove home. He thought about what Nishinoya had said. It pained your father knowing what he is doing to you by breaking up Nishinoya and you. It might not seem as a big deal because you two would just date in secret; however, this situation is much different. This meant that you would be forced to be with Akuno. Before your father came home you had finished breakfast and went upstairs to your room. Your phone was flooded with texts from Noya. You called him without reading the texts. "Hey you okay?" Nishinoya was quiet for a moment. "Are you okay?" You heard him sniffle. "We're you crying?" He clears his throat. "Listen to me (y/n)...I love you so much. I don't care that you aren't allowed to be with me, because we can run away together if we need to." "Nishinoya why are you telling me this?" He paused. "Because I love you." He ends that call and you started freaking out. "Why would he bring that up all of a sudden?!"

Nishinoya x Reader Book 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin