Not So Welcoming

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The outside became colder and you slightly shuddered at every gust of wind. You got off the bench and walked toward the door. "It's freezing out here. I'm going inside." Akuno quickly got up and followed you back inside. You checked your phone and you completely forgot to tell Noya what happened. "Shit I um, I gotta call someone real quick." Akuno grabbed your wrist before you walked out. "Wait. Your calling him aren't you?" You shook his hand off you. "Yeah, if your dad asks, just say I'm spreading the good news or something." He nods and you walk back outside and call Noya.
~~~AT RYU'S HOUSE~~~ Nishinoya was at Tanaka's house and he picked up the phone. "Hey everything ok?" You swallowed hard and told him what happened. "HE WHAT?! What the hell?! I thought he was trying to get you out of that situation?!" You sighed. "I thought that too but his father made him, we were too late in getting rid of the ring." Nishinoya mute himself and cursed under his breath. He unmuted "You coming home any time soon?" "Hopefully we go home now, we already finished dinner."
~~~AT THE MANOR~~~ Mr.Warugi plans to discuss the wedding plans with just your parents more on Monday. As he was walking your parents down, he notices Akuno alone by the garden door. "So where's the bride to be?" Akuno hesitated. "She's spreading the uh good news." His father glared at him in suspicion. He opened the garden door and heard you talking. "Ok, bye Noya I love you." You end the call and turn to face Akuno's father. He plasters a fake smile on his face. "Spreading the good news are we?" You nod. "Hmm. Now I know you're excited but we can't go spreading the news out now ok? I'll tell you when you can. " "My apologizes, I just wanted to tell my best friend. She loves hearing stuff like this." You put on a cheesy smile and he sighs. "Didn't know Noya was a girl's name... Your parents are waiting for you in the lobby. Welcome to the family (y/n)." This welcoming wasn't warm or kind. It was cold and hurtful. You knew he caught on to you. Now you were more screwed than just being married to his son. You walk to the lobby and your parents called you into the car. The drive home was somewhat quiet until you fessed up to your parents about what Mr.Warugi heard. "I'm really sorry, I didn't know he'd come outside." Your father grips the steering wheel tight. "You know how much trouble I'm in?! I told him I separated you two now he knows I lied! Jesus you have to be more careful (y/n)." Your mother joins in. "Honey she didn't know. But it's true sweetheart, who knows what he would do to Nishinoya or his mother?" Once the car pulled into the driveway, your father gets out the car but you stay to talk with your mom. "What are we going to tell Asahi?" Your mother pauses to think. "We'll just tell him that we arranged a marriage." "So I actually have to break up with Noya?" She tries to think of a way to explain how everything will play out. "I think it will cause less problems if you do. It's for the best sweetheart. Now come on let's go inside." You both get out the car and head inside up to your rooms. Asahi was watching tv in his room and he walked in to your room. "How'd the dinner go? Mom told me you guys were meeting a potential arrangement marriage." You hid the hand with the ring behind your back. "Yeah I met him. He's...ok." He sat down on your bed. "Thinking about how your gonna tell Noya?" You shook your head. "I'm mostly thinking about how to get out of it." Asahi chuckled. "I know how you and Noya feel about each other, did you try telling mom and dad that you don't want to?" You couldn't tell Asahi the truth because who knows how he would react? It was best for you to just act as if you know just as much as him. "I tried but they think it's best if I give him a chance." Asahi patted your back. "Well it should be your choice, listen to that heart if yours. I'm going to bed, night." "...night." Asahi closed the door as he left and you changed into pajamas. You called Noya. "Hey I got home." Noya yawned in response. "Hey (y/n), came home late huh?" "Yeah it was super long unfortunately. His father caught me talking to you on the phone and I think he's suspicious of me." Noya laid on his bed. "I don't think so. You overthink too much. Just act as if it didn't happen." You turn off your lights and lay in bed. "I wish I can just do that but what if he does something to you." "What?! That's why your worried?! I'll be fine. I promise. Anyways, you gotta go to bed young lady!" You giggled in response. "Pft alright alright, I'm going to bed. Night, love you." "Love you too." The call ends and you were able to fall asleep with no distractions.
~~~BACK AT THE MANOR~~~ Mr. Warugi questioned his son once you had left. "Where are those papers I had on my nightstand." "I don't know father..." His father clenched his fists. "I swear to god if I found out you destroyed those papers you're in for it you hear me!" Akuno nods and Mr.Warugi scoffs. "That bride of yours is a troublemaker... I caught her on the phone talking to Yuu Nishinoya..." Akuno stiffens. His father must have looked into him more if he knows his entire name. "Apparently He's some delinquent from Karasuno, that school you attended. Either way, it's clear they're still seeing each other in secret. That father of hers is no help...I have to do everything myself."

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