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~~~AUTHOR'S POV~~~ Towards the end of practice Ukai announced to the boys they have an official match with Fukurodani in two days. The boys began talking amongst themselves and Ukai clapped his hands together. "Alright alright that's enough, come on! Let's do a cool down lap and I need people to take down the net." Suga and Daichi try to doge Ukai's view because they haven't given their all today. "Ah how bout the Daichi and Suga! Rest of you boys rest up for this week's game!" The others grab their things and leave the gym. Coach Ukai crossed his arms and sighed heavily. "So which one of you is gonna explain what was with was all this tension during practice today?" The two boys look down at their shoes hoping one or the other would speak first. Ukai rolled his eyes. "Well? I'm waiting." Daichi spoke first. "I'm sorry about today, I was letting my personal life get in the way of practice. It won't happen again." Ukai runs his hand through his hair. "Look kid it's normal, I'm assuming you both got into a fight, anyways you both will work it out soon. Now, go put that net away please." He tosses the keys to Suga. "Oh and don't forget to lock the gym up too." Ukai left and the two boys began cleaning up. Suga pushed the volley ball carts into the closet. "It's just frustrating that you can tell anyone at school, even the coach but you can't even tell your parents." Daichi felt his heart pounding through his ears feeling the need to cry. "You know my father though! He's so hard to talk to! I don't care about other's opinions which is why I don't have a hard time telling them that you're my boyfriend." Suga felt his shoulders getting heavier. "But you care about your dad's opinions? At least tell your mom! You're closer with her aren't you?" Daichi begins taking down the net. "Well yeah, but" Suga shuts the closet door. "Daichi I really don't want to hear the excuses..." Suga picks up his bags and tosses the keys to Daichi. "...Just close up the gym when you're done." He grabs his things and leaves the gym. Daichi quickly grabs his things and jogs after him. "Suga! Wait please!" Suga stops and crosses his arms. Daichi quickly locks the gym and goes over to Suga. "I don't want to be separated anymore, can we please get back together?" Suga sighs. "You heard what I said. You don't tell your parents then we don't get back together. Simple as that." Suga turns to walk away but Daichi grabs his wrist. "Can you give me some time to plan it out? Please...Koushi." "What? Am I supposed to wait around for you?" Daichi quickly zipped up his black jacket. "Well I didn't mean it like that, I meant like I want to prove how much you mean to me before you move on." Suga's phone buzzes. "I gotta go, my mom is worried." Without saying goodbye, Suga jogged home and left Daichi to walk to his house my himself. While walking home, Daichi thought about he would tell his parents. An idea popped into his head and he quickly texted Suga.
Daichi: Would you be able to come to my house for dinner tomorrow?
Suga <3 : ...idk I have a lot of work yk
Daichi: you're right, what about this weekend?
Suga <3 : what r u planning?
Daichi: something special, is that a yes?
Suga<3 : sure I'll come. Time?
Daichi: Saturday 6:30
Daichi smiled at his phone, the plan was set. He would come out to his parents at dinner. Hopefully with suga being present it would go smoother. He opened the front door and hung up his jacket. "Hey mom I'm home." His mother looked up from her phone. "Ah wonderful, it was starting to get late. Locking up the gym?" Daichi nodded and left his bag on the table. "So mom, you think we can have Suga over for dinner this Saturday?" Her eyes glanced back at her phone. "Yeah sure, I don't see why not." She smiles and then goes to check on the pot of stew on the stove. "Making your father's favorite tonight. Rice and stew." Daichi smiles and went off to his room to start his homework.
Back at Suga's, his mother was napping in her room. After quietly checking up on her, Suga went to make dinner for the two of them. He gets a text from Daichi and quickly glances at it.
Daichi: My mom said yes :)
~~~NEXT DAY~~~ You woke up super late this morning. So late, that Asahi had already left the house and you're parents were out. "What the heck no one decided to wake me?" You checked the time and it would be 4th period right about now. Quickly you got dressed, and headed downstairs. When you checked your phone, most of your notifications were from Nishinoya asking you where you were and if you were ok. You rushed out the door and tried getting to school as fast as you can. The school gates were closed shut and there were no security guards. "Shit. Where the fuck did they all go?" You looked around trying to see if there was maybe a wandering student. You texted Noya but he didn't answer, neither did Asahi. "Ah, fuck it." You tossed your backpack over the gate and climbed the gate. You fell and tried to dust yourself off. The bell went off signaling fifth period and you headed to class as if nothing happened.
~~~TIME SKIP TO LUNCH~~~ You placed your lunch tray next to Noya. "Is your phone dead or something?" Nishinoya looks up at you and smiles. "Oh hey, you made it on time! How did you get in? The gates are closed..." you glared at him. "Dont you have a study hall last period?" He thinks to himself then quietly answers. "Yes..." You rolled your eyes. "And you just aren't on your phone?!" He looks at Tanaka to help him out. "Me and Tanaka were just messing around, I'm sorry I didn't see your text. What did you need?" You crossed your arms. "Go look at my messages." He opened his phone and scrolled through the 8 messages of you asking him to open the gate in the front. You sat down next to him and he puts his hand on your shoulder. "Hey I'm really sorry, I would've went to-" You cut him off. "Yeah I know. Sorry I just kinda been having a sucky morning you know?"

Nishinoya x Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now