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"Sure," Yuxin replied

We are now in the tent, sitting across from each other.

"What made you say that all of a sudden?" I asked curiously

"Mhmm ... Baby Jie told me that ..." Yuxin said hesitantly

"I like you?" I asked and Yuxin went silent, she didn't answer. Hmmm, maybe it was true that Baby Jie had already told her. Looks like I have to thank Baby Jie later, now I find it easier to ask her to be my girlfriend.

"I do like you, everyone knows ... only you are not aware of anything and it makes people frustrated, maybe that's why Baby Jie can't stand it," I said with a smile.

"Sorry ..." Yuxin replied. She probably thought I was scolding her because she didn't see my expression. She kept her head down since we sat here.

"Hey, I didn't scold you, you know... I'm glad you finally know how I feel, now whatever my action is  you will understand that the attention I give you is a form of liking." I said.

Yuxin raised her head and began to dare to look at my face. I saw cold sweat pouring down her face, it seemed like she was really nervous all this time.

"Thanks, Kun ... I'll try to be brave next time." She said while shyly look at me.

"You're brave enough now, admitting your own feelings seems more difficult than admitting me," I said with a frown.

"Hahaha..." She laughs awkwardly. 

"What are you laughing at Yuxin?"

"Um, because you are the first? I've never felt anything like this before so I had a hard time realizing it? " I just smiled at her words. Did you hear what she said?!? I'm the first ... THE FIRST...

"So... We..." I didn't know if she wanted to be my girlfriend even though she said that she had the same feelings as me.

"You can conclude it by yourself, I've said what I want to say and the rest is up to you." She answers. I really wanted to ask what was wrong with my Yuxin, did Baby Jie give her some medicine or something? She became very brave today but I like it.


Jeez, what am I doing?!?!? I seem to have lost my mind. But I was relieved after saying that, Kun's response was calmer than I imagined and it calmed me down. At least there is nothing bad happen...

This is our last week of recording together after that we will be busy with our own work that's why I said it. At least we have a week together and I guess that's more than enough for me...


We finished recording today and everyone is really happy for some reason. Today's atmosphere on set was very positive especially Kun who kept smiling from start to the end.

I walked back to my room and there were about twenty people who congratulated me, I was very confused ... congratulations for what? Today is not my birthday, nor did I win the game today...

"Yuxin, congratulation!" said Baby Jie

"Jie you congratulate me for what? Did I win something?" I asked because I was very curious.

"Hah? Oh, you are winning 'something' and maybe you should ask Kun for this. " She answers with a mysterious smile.

"Ok." God, what else is this kid doing, I really can't catch up with his crazy idea.

I didn't go back to my room and walked to Kun's room, his room was several hallways next to me.

'Knock ... Knock ... Knock ...' I knocked on the door when I was in front of his room.

Because there was no answer I tried pressing the doorbell 'Ding ... Dong ... Ding ... Dong ...' because I thought he didn't hear the knock on the door.


Kun came out of the bathroom when he heard the sound of the bell. When he opened the door he was surprised to see Yuxin standing in front of his room.

"Come in Xin." He orders.

Yuxin went into Kun's room. Actually, Yuxin was also very surprised to see Kun who opened the door only wearing a bathrobe, even though Yuxin herself also did it when she's in her room but still it was surprising to see your crush wearing it when meeting you like that.


"What's wrong Xin? You should rest right now because tomorrow we still have a recording." Kun asked

"I just want to know what you say to everyone, they keep congratulating me and I don't know why I got congratulated for," Yuxin answered with her hand crossing in front of her chest.

"Didn't you say that the decision was up to me?" Kun asked.

"What decision? And what does your decision have to do with them congratulating me? I did tell you the decision is up to you but that doesn't mean you could do anything crazy." Yuxin said and keep glaring at Kun.

"I told the others that we are dating and shared 红包雨 in the group maybe that's why they congratulated you," Kun replied casually.

"Is it necessary for everyone to find out? It's a personal thing to know." Yuxin answered, who could only be amazed by the way her new boyfriend thought. She had thought that Kun's decision might being her boyfriend but she didn't expect that the relationship would spread so quickly. And the person who spreads it is her boyfriend that she just find out about a few seconds ago... he even tells everybody first and not even telling her about his decision.

"It is necessary, even after this program is airing I will tell our relationship to the public. Fans need to know about this, and that's what I'm thinking at the moment." Kun replied

Yuxin doesn't protest, she agrees that fans need to know about it, especially UM's. She appreciates both UM's and IKUN's and Yuxin agrees with Kun's words that they need to know. After all, their names can be as big as now all thanks to the fans. Yuxin just nodded her head, after all, this way they don't need to date secretly as other artists do. (not trying to offend anyone... I love peace)

Yuxin's quietness is a sign of agreement for Kun, therefore Kun pulls Yuxin into his arms, gives her a warm hug, and kisses her gently and lovingly. They share a deep kiss full of affection and keep in that position for a while. They break from the kiss after both of them lack oxygens.

"I know you think the same as me Yuxin," Kun said after their lips parted. Yuxin hugged Kun and hid her head against Kun's chest in embarrassment.

Without them knowing there was a group of people who recorded the incident that is happening through the door holes...


Hi guys, I wanna post this on Kids Day but then my laziness came out so I just put it in today. I hope the story isn't turn out awkward because I honestly don't know what I'm writing right now...

Reminder, the story is made based on the writer's imagination and has nothing to do with the real person. Please keep supporting both of them because they are amazing people.

Some of you maybe already know the meaning but let me just put it here :
红包雨 *Hong Bao Yu* = red envelope rain (not so accurate but I guess you guys already know 😂)

Anyways Happy Late Kids Day and see you guys next week... Bye

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