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It was getting late and I was still in Kun's room. I wanted to say goodbye to him but when I looked outside it turned out that the SiShengs who had escaped earlier were waiting in front of the door.

Kun approached me because I'm still standing silently in front of the door. "What's wrong, babe?" he asked

"Ummm looks like some of them haven't left yet," I said and turning my body to face him.

"Sleep here tonight, don't get involved in anything to do with them. In the morning I will ask the security guard to kick them out if they haven't left yet." Kun said while holding my hand and leading me to the sofa.

Finally, I just obeyed and walked to the sofa to sleep. I really have no intention of dealing with those SiShengs because it will make the condition more complicated.

"Who told you to sleep on the sofa?" Ask Kun who is already in front of me now

"I thought you would be uncomfortable sleeping on the sofa, so I'll be the one who sleeping here tonight, this is your room after all so it should be me who sleeps on the sofa," I answered

"Then we can sleep on the bed together, no one will feel uncomfortable. And from now on whatever is mine is yours too." He said that casually and make me feel butterflies in my stomach.

"But... AH, KUN put me down..." He already picked me up before I could finish answering.

"Shhh... stop complaining babe if you don't want them to hear your voice," Kun replied with a grin and still carried me bridal style. I kept silent and let him take me to his room.

Kun has put me down on his bed. The bedroom isn't attached to the living room so it seemed that people in front of the room couldn't record until here unless they opened the main door. I just silently watched Kun who is busy searching for something in his wardrobe. Since we were here for a long time he put his clothes in the wardrobe.

"You can wear this babe, it must be uncomfortable to wear those clothes to sleep," Kun said. I took the hoodie he gave me.

"Thank you Kunkun," I answered

"You can use the bathroom over there." He said, pointing to the intended place.

"Okay," I answered while walking a few steps towards the bathroom in the room.


I've changed my clothes into Kun's hoodie which only reached half of my thighs. When I came out of the bathroom, Kun was already laying on the bed in silk pajamas that he usually uses while playing with his phone. I just stood awkwardly next to the bed, not knowing what to do and this is my first time sleeping with a boy in the same bed beside my father.

"Lie down babe, why are you just standing there?" Kun said because I did not move from where I was. I finally lay down next to Kun and of course, I kept my distance from Kun.

"Why are you so far away babe? Come closer I don't eat people." He said with a chuckle, maybe he knows that I'm not comfortable with the current condition.


I saw Yuxin lying down while curled up at the very end of the bed. I know she is embarrassed to sleep with me but if she sleeps like that soon she will fall from the bed so I asked her to come closer to me.

I saw her starting to move from where she was and starting to move closer to me. I put down my phone and turned off the light not forget to turn on the night light. "Good night baby Xunxun..." I said to Yuxin who was now lying down facing me.

"Good night Kunkun..." She replied

I lay down next to her and hugged Yuxin. Yuxin who felt the touch suddenly became startled and her body stiffened but she quickly got used to my touch and accepted my hug, after she felt comfortable she buried her head on my chest, and soon Yuxin fell asleep. I felt that she slowly breathe regularly and when I looked at her and this little baby was sleeping soundly, I didn't know that she could sleep this fast. I smiled when see her sleeping comfortably in my arms and soon I followed her into the dreamland.


I felt Yuxin trying to let go of my hand that was placed on her waist because I thought she wanted to use the bathroom I finally loosened my grip. Yuxin who has been released from my arms has nowhere to find but I keep closing my eyes because I'm still sleepy.

I was surprised when the sun suddenly shone on me. I took the pillow that was near me and used it to cover my face. "Kunkun wake up.... We have to get ready now, your manager is waiting in the living room." Yuxin called while continuing to shake my body.

"Give me five more minutes babe, I'm still very sleepy," I say while still covering my face with the pillow.

"Come on Kun... tonight you can sleep again, now we have to go to work," Yuxin said still trying to persuade me to leave the bed.

"Kiss me," I say when finally willing to open my eyes a little.

"Sorry, mister no kiss before you wake up." She answers. When I hear it I immediately sat in my place, trying to get up for the sake of my morning kiss.

"I'm awake..." I said with my eyes still half-open.


You know that the man in front of me is very adorable, he sits in his place with the half-awake condition. I can't stand his cuteness right now and gave him a short peck on the cheek.

"It's not there, babe..." he said while whining because I'm not kissing him on the lip.

"I'll give it to you when you're done getting ready. Bye... I'm waiting for your presence in the living room Kunkun." I answered. You know that teasing him is a lot of fun because of his reaction.

I walked over to our two assistants who were already waiting in the living room, waiting for us to finish getting ready. I woke up this morning because I heard someone knocking on the door and somehow the man beside me couldn't hear it. When I opened it, it turned out that our two assistants were already at the door and I told them to wait in the living room. I quickly got dressed and called for Kun to wake up, of course after getting scolded by my assistant because she couldn't find me in my room.

I sat beside them while waiting for Kun to finish with his clothes. "Jie Jie, was there anyone at the door when you came here?" I asked with worry.

"No, it looks like they already leave while you guys were asleep." Kun's assistant replied.

"Sorry to bother you with our troubles," I said guiltily.

"It's okay Xin, it's our duty to take care of this matter, after all the managers of you two have already thought of a solution. A lot of people are happy that you guys are finally together, in case you didn't know the staff even celebrated last night." My assistant replied. Of course, I was relieved that they didn't bother and felt the happiness we felt but surely they were also overwhelmed by the behavior of the two of us who decided everything in such a hurry.


Hi guys, I'm back for the week. Hope all of you still want to read this random fiction...

Reminder, this story is based on the writer's imagination and has nothing to do with the actual person. Let's support these two amazing people with love.

Btw, this story is near the end. Probably around 4 more chapters and I'll end the story. You guys can request what kind of story you would like me to write for the next fiction...

See you next week then... Bye.

Keep Running KUNXIN EditionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon