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Today is their last day in Los Angeles. They have finished recording for this season's 'Keep Running' so now everyone is in the middle of getting their stuff packed as they have to return to their homeland, China.

Everyone is shopping for souvenirs at one of the most popular shopping centers, from the crew to the members who are choosing stuff they want to take home as souvenirs. Kun and Yuxin are in the food area buying up American specialties that they couldn't find in China.

"Lao Ba, Lao Ma, Shi Fu..." Yuxin mumbled mentioning all the people she would give to while Kun accompanied the girl around, he had already gotten his souvenirs from the clothing store earlier.

"Are you done, babe?" Kun asked.

"And... done!" Yuxin exclaimed after she finished put in her last item. They immediately went to the cashier and paid for Yuxin's groceries, after that they followed the others to a restaurant to eat before heading to the airport.

"Kun! Xun!" PD shouted from one of the tables, telling them to join. You didn't hear it wrong, ever since Kun called Yuxin Xunxun at the shooting location many of them started calling her Xunxun. Kun was very jealous at first because he was the only one who called Yuxin Xunxun but he got used to hearing it because they called her like that every day. After all, he is the only one who can call Yuxin BABE.

They sat down and started eating what was already on the table while chatting with the others.



We have arrived at the airport now, everyone is starting to separate towards the plane that will take them to their respective cities. Yuxin and I were relaxing at the coffee shop not far from the waiting room so they won't miss their flight.

"You won't be on the plane with me babe, remember to use the time you have to sleep so you don't get tired when you get to Beijing. Call me when you already landing, don't forget to call me too when you get to your apartment." I nagging to Yuxin remind her so she can remember my words.

"Yes... Yes... I understand. You also call me when you get to Shanghai and don't be too tired." She replied

We have to separate because I had to go back to the house in Shanghai to arrange my things and there would be a magazine shoot in Beijing two days later. Yuxin also had to go back to Beijing to take care of her studio, she had a lot of unfinished business since going to America. Well, looks like we'll see each other in two days...

My flight is still about 30 minutes away and Yuxin will fly 10 minutes after my flight. We were already at the airport for about an hour because we accompanied the other members who had an earlier flight schedule than us. Our assistant is waiting in the waiting room just in case if the flight schedule changes.

Yuxin and I were sitting enjoying our coffee while discussing our schedule but suddenly a group of people approached us. "Are you Liu Yuxin?" Ask one of them. Yuxin looked at me trying to ask for an answer, we still haven't announced our relationship so it will definitely be a problem if we are seen together even though I don't really mind it but we promised the managers that we will announce it when the episode one of 'Keep Running' airs.

I nodded my head as if she could tell. I know she really loves her fans and a photo wouldn't do any harm, right? I intended to give them some space and walk towards another place, but when I turned around and took off my mask a group of people started to approach us and shouted, "CAI XUKUN!!! I saw Cai Xukun..." And now we are surrounded by the crowd. Looks like today has happened a lot of uncontrollable things...


We have ended the sudden and unprepared fan meeting that the crowd make a while ago. I've also specifically asked them not to share the photos before we announce our relationship to the public. Many of them were surprised but still respected my request and said they would continue to support us. Honestly, I'm very relieved even though I already predict if I tell the public there will be a lot of fans who will feel disappointed but I feel lucky that there are still people who will support us.

My assistant called me too quickly to go to the gate where my plane was because the passengers were already queuing up to enter the plane. I looked at Yuxin unwillingly. Not willing to being apart from her.

"Go, Kun, Jie Jie must be waiting for you." She said with a sweet smile that made me even more unwilling to leave her.

"I still want to be with you," I answered while whining

"Come on, you're going to miss your flight if you still like this. We will meet again in two days Kun." She answer

I looked at her sadly and stood up to go to my assistant who must have been nagging while waiting for me. When I turned around I felt a pair of hands hugging me from behind, I turned around and saw Yuxin who was looking at me sadly.

"I'll miss you..." She said and hugged me tightly ignoring the people who were looking at us. I hugged her back tightly and gave her a few kisses on the head.

We let go of the hug when my phone rang again and my assistant's name appeared on the screen, I sighed and picked up the phone.

"Kun comes here now or you'll miss your flight." She said in a flat tone and I know that I should go right now.

"Ok Jie," I answered briefly. I give up, looks like I really have to go now.

I looked at Yuxin who had already let go of her embrace. "Go, Kun... have a safe flight." She said in a very very small voice.

"I'm leaving now Yuxin, remember my words earlier. I'll miss you, baby..." I said. I sighed and waved at her, "Bye Xunxun..." I said as we grew far enough but I made sure Yuxin could still hear me.



Kun is already on the plane now and he is still struggling with his phone texting Yuxin. "Sorry sir, but we will be taking off soon please turn off the electronic equipment." Said one of the flight attendants who were walking around to make sure all passengers obeyed the existing regulations.


Bye babe, I'm going to take off... remember to take care of yourself.

Kun chatted with Yuxin after that he turned off his phone as the flight attendant already remind him.

Not long after Yuxin received a message from Kun, her assistant called Yuxin to come to meet her as soon as passengers were allowed to queue to go to the plane.

Now both Kun and Yuxin were on the respective planes that would take them safely to their destination city....


Reminder, this story is made based on the writer's imagination and has nothing to do with the actual person. Let's all support these two amazing people with love.

I already finish translating the story so probably will post more often now 😂

See you guys a few hours later... Bye. 

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