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I'm now arriving at the airport with Kun, we promised to have a vacation with our parents in Chengdu. We have arranged our schedule for this week's vacation, our parents who arrived yesterday were waiting at the hotel I had booked two days earlier and now the two of us headed to the arrivals area after picking up our suitcases, of course with the fans waiting in line to pick us up at the airport. Honestly, I'm really happy because our fans still accept us and now our CP name is often trending when we have work in the same place.

We put our luggage in the trunk and enter the car that we rent for this week's vacation. I want our time alone and don't get disturbed by other people so we rent a car and Kun is the one who will drive it. Maybe my dad or Kun's dad will drive it if Kun gets tired.

We arrived at the hotel lobby and I was immediately greeted with a hug from Kun's mother while my mother preferred to hug Kun who had become her favorite son-in-law for some time. Every time I call my mother, the first thing she will ask is where Kun is, I wonder who her real child is, but it doesn't matter, I still have my dad who really spoils me.


I was finally able to lay down on my bed because after I put my suitcase in the room, my mother pulled me to traveling around. The six of us toured Chengdu, starting from eating hotpot that has become the hallmark of Chengdu, seeing pandas, and other fun things.

I lay down remembering why we had this so sudden vacation.


My mother called out of the blue just as we were finishing a meeting with our manager. I lifted it with Kun who lay his head on my lap because he said it was comfortable.

"Hello, mom, where are you guys? Why is it so crowded..." I said after receiving the call.

"Hello, mom is at Kun's house." She answer

"WHAT?!? Why are you at his house? What are you guys doing there? Mom..." I asked, who was already panicking about the thought of what are they doing there. Kun just looked confusedly at me and soon his phone rang while my mother hung up.


I picked up the phone from my beloved mother. "Hello, mom?"

"You dated Yuxin and didn't tell me. Do I deserve to know it from the internet that spreads the relationship announcement you guys made? Where is my daughter-in-law, I want to talk to her." I looked at Yuxin who was sitting while my head still on her lap. I handed her my phone silently, I enjoyed her confused expression which looked so adorable.

"Hello?" Yuxin said after taking my phone.

"Why didn't you tell us that you two are dating. Don't you love me Yuxin, haven't I become your second mother..." I just sighed hearing my mother whining at Yuxin. Yup, she loves Yuxin more than me.

"It's not like that auntie, we just haven't found the time to tell you," Yuxin said.

"No, you don't love me anymore, you even call me aunty, not mom." My heart warms hearing how close my mother is to Yuxin who is my girlfriend. Even though they know each other because our mother has the same job but seeing them chatting comfortably and my mother treating Yuxin as her child brings a special warmth that I can't describe.

They continued to argue and things got worse when Yuxin's parents nagged too for not being told. The night ends with the parents nagging and I can't stand it when they are still nagging when it's already 1 in the morning. I finally offered to take a trip to Chengdu and we'd tell them whatever they wanted to hear later.

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