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"Among all the people surrounding me..."


Beep, beep, beep, beep...

The sound of the heart monitor had by this point become annoying more than anything. But at least it signaled that the man in the hospital bed was stable... As stable as he could be in his comatose state.

With the combination of ten gunshot wounds and previous wounds that Mr. Chae had caused, the state was understandable.

All of them remembered arriving at the Black Rose's burnt-down hideout, seeing Jooheon doing his best to try and stop the bleeding, and how the lone man was clearly panicking. Hyungwon was nowhere to be found, hell there was not even a single sign of him ever being there. So they had concluded that he had been dragged away.

The black-haired man stared at his unconscious leader, frown smacked onto his usually neutral features. It didn't get any easier seeing Hoseok like that every time he visited the small hospital room. Hooked up to the different machines and such. But it would be cold not to visit, so dealing with the hurt was the least he could do.

"It's been two years..." He muttered under his breath, crossing his arms. The man hadn't bothered to sit down as he didn't have time to stay for long. They had work to do, even if it wasn't easy as four. "Get up already..." If only it was as simple as pleading or slapping the man on the cheek to get him to open his eyes.

Two years, even a little bit over that had passed so fast yet it seemed like forever. Hoseok was still in a coma, Hyungwon was still where the fuck ever and The Devil's Choir was screwing things up in Seoul. 

The others could not help but be slightly bitter at the hitman. Of course, they didn't want to blame for this him. Not at all; Hyungwon had just picked the next best option he could. But it was that choice that still had led them to this point. Led them to be down two more men while trying to stand tall. 

They could just hope Hoseok would, in Jooheon's words, wake the fuck up and that Hyungwon would show at least a sign of being out there. But with the hitman that has not been the case so it seemed like they needed to take the first step to drag his ass back.

A knock came from the door making the man turn around to see Seonghwa walk in. "How is he?" He asked the doctor. Seonghwa pinched the bridge of his nose shaking his head. "He's fine, but we've not seen signs of him waking up." The man explained, sighing deeply.

Minhyuk dropped his head, letting out a sigh and nodding. He and everyone else was running out of patience and hope. "Okay. Thank you." He mumbled, trying to hide the displeasure in his tone. "I need to head out now. Call us if anything happens." He then stated, straightening out his clothes a little. Seonghwa nodded, bidding bye to the man who headed out of the white room.

It had been hard to get Hoseok admitted into a hospital. After all, he was a criminal. But luckily Seonghwa, with his connections, managed to get him in and got himself a workplace from there too. Though they didn't expect Hoseok's state to last this long. The doctors had predicted only a few months but that prediction was thrown out of the window quickly.

Minhyuk pulled out his phone and called Shownu. "I'm headed out now. I'll meet you all there in thirty." He spoke right when the older picked up, not giving the man time to say anything else."Roger." The man just responded and the call got cut off. The man exited the hospital, walking through the parking lot to get to his car.

Minhyuk entered the black vehicle and started it up. He pulled out of the parking spot before driving off. 

This would be their first bigger job in a year and they were setting their foot into deep waters right from the get-go. They had mostly laid low after almost getting caught by the cops, only doing the bare minimum with recon-missions and drug deals. Shownu had taken the leader's place for the time being, and even Mr. Lee had returned to his old position at times when needed.

you make me - hyungwonhoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ