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"It's you..."


"Are you sure you can work?" Hoseok asked, taking his hand out of Hyungwon's as they got into the car. Their check-ups had gone well and there seemed to be no further examination needed. The younger nodded his head. "The doctor said that if I'm careful I can do my everyday activities." He stated, shrugging his shoulders.

The older stared at Hyungwon silently for a moment, slightly baffled by the statement. "You know... He means that by everyday activities.. He meant doing stuff around the house.. Office work.." The man explained and blinked a few times. "What we do is far from everyday activities." He finished, watching Hyungwon just shrug.

"I'll be fine, okay?" Hyungwon said, pecking the shorter's lips. "I can use my left hand no problem." he grinned, making Hoseok sigh and mutter a quiet 'fine.. fine.'

"Who am I teamed up with?" Hyungwon then asked, glancing at the other. "I put you with Kenta unless you are completely against it." Hoseok hummed, backing out of the parking lot. Hyungwon shook his head a little bit. "He's good at what he does." He then stated.

"Have you come up with a plan of any sort? I know you like to make those up in your head." The older questioned while keeping his eyes on the road. Hyungwon hummed quietly. "Nothing much. I just have to keep an eye on the surroundings.. Doesn't require much." He said, leaning back in his seat.

"What if we run into their men?" Hyungwon asked next, turning to look out of the window. "Whatever you feel like is right. While I don't exactly want it to be revealed that we are after them, it'll be revealed anyways... So if you want to attack him to get info, do it."

Hoseok eventually stopped the car in front of their hideout. Before Hyungwon could get out of the car, the older grabbed his shirt. "What is it?" Hyungwon asked, turning to the man. "I don't often do shit like this but.." Hoseok muttered, chuckling lightly.

The man dug around his pockets a little bit before taking out a blue velvet case. Hyungwon parted his lips at the man opened it, revealing two shiny silver rings. he was about to open his mouth but the older managed first. "They're uhm.. Promise rings.. I did get them modified with trackers because of the situation we're in.. And if anything goes down again the others can find us easily..."

Hyungwon smiled widely, nodding his head. "They're pretty." He said quietly. Hoseok smiled back and took out one of the rings, grabbing Hyungwon's left hand. He slipped the silver ring onto the younger's middle finger. "I'll leave the ring finger free for another time." He joked, making Hyungwon laugh. "Sure."

Hyungwon repeated the action for the older man. Even if it was done in a car it felt highly emotional. He ran his fingers over Hoseok's ring. "Thank you," he said softly. "I.. Holy shit I don't mean to be a cry baby.." He laughed, bringing a hand to his mouth. "I'm so happy to be back.. And here with you"

"It's okay to cry." Hoseok chuckle, running his finger's through Hyungwon's hair. "I'm happy too. I'm never leaving you, remember that." he grinned at the younger who nodded his head.

Hyungwon let his eyes scan the streets through the window before turning his head to the man in the front seat. "We can go," he stated before taking off his seatbelt and reaching for the door handle.

"You sure?" Kenta asked, moving to do the same thing. The older of the two sighed. "Hey, I used to be a hitman, you know that. I check the premises multiple times before making a move, simple." He said, rolling his eyes a little. He then took out his gun, waving it at the other man cockily. "Trust me a little. And if shit goes wrong; we have these." He stated, pushing the door open and getting out.

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