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this chapter wasn't really proofread because I just wanted to put something out so if there are any errors, i'm sorry.




The sound of both metal clanking and Minhyuk cursing brought Wonho back to reality. His eyes fluttered open, mind fogged with confusion.

He tilted his head back, hitting it against a hard wall which caused a hiss to escape from his mouth. "Min..?" he croaked out, clearing his throat a little. "You're awake?" The younger asked, and the clanking stopped, thankfully, as it was about to start grinding away at Hoseok's eardrums.

"Yeah, I hope so. Because this would be one shitty dream." The leader replied before letting out a groan. Both from pain and tiredness. "What the fuck happened?" He then asked, looking around. He noticed the younger handcuffed to a pole and he himself was just on the ground, chained to the wall.

The Devil's Choir must have run out of places to keep their prisoners in with the loss of three buildings, considering they put two people in one room. Two skillful people at that. Asahi may be smart, but not that much since he should never have put them in the same room.

"Hell if I know. All I remember is smoke and then darkness. Doesn't help much, does it?" Minhyuk scoffed. Hoseok figured the other was just on edge and not actually angry at him. "Yeah, no.. I don't remember much else.." He replied, shaking his head and clearing his throat.

"How the hell did they find us?" Wonho muttered, furrowing his eyebrows a little bit. It made no sense to him. They had no clue where they were located, so how? There must have been some loophole they had not noticed. Something tiny. 

"Do you think Hyungwon's okay?" Minhyuk asked, sliding down to sit on the floor. He seemed to give up on breaking his cuffs for now. "I can hope. He wasn't with us so we know he's not... Well here." The leader stated, looking around the room. 

Hyungwon had probably been in enough locked rooms and Hoseok would not be surprised if places like these caused some panic reaction in the younger. So he was just thankful that his lover was somewhere else. Just hopefully alive and well.

There must have been some way he could slither out of his restraints. Nothing was permanent and the chains didn't seem to be too durable due to age. As long as Hoseok didn't cut himself on the rusted metal, he'd be fine. The last thing he needed was tetanus.

"What about the rest?" Wonho asked, making the other man scoff quietly. "Asahi came by a while ago saying they weren't here. But I call bull." He spat. Minhyuk stayed quiet for a little. "You know if I get my hands on him tonight. I'll kill him," he stated bluntly and the leader just nodded his head a little. "I won't stop you." He replied. "I wouldn't care if you tried, sorry Boss."

The door soon opened, making light flood in. It wasn't much brighter than the actual light in the room. "Great, you're awake just in time." Asahi grinned, closing the door behind him as he entered the room.

Wonho couldn't help the frown of pure disgust that spread onto his face. "You'll never guess what happened." Asahi stated, sounding proud as all hell. As if he had accomplished something actually useful.

"What? You're about to be executed. That would be fun." Minhyuk stated bluntly, earning a glare from the Japanese man. "You wish," he stated, taking a deep breath then. 

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