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"Standing at the edge of the cliff..."


Hyungwon crossed his arms, letting out a deep sigh. He stared out of the window feeling very impatient. They had been sitting there, in suffocating silence, for hours on end. As if that wasn't bad enough, the silence was enforced by two men who had their guns aimed at Hyungwon's head in their last encounter.

So that's great.

But they also had nothing to talk about as they were at a stakeout. As to why Hyungwon was there with them; Wonho and the leader of N.Flying had agreed that he'd be good to have around if they happen to meet the person they were looking for. For interrogation purposes, of course, since N.Flying would likely use more friendly ways of handling the man due to having a previous alliance.

So if the man refused to give them the wanted information; Hyungwon would need to step in and shake the guy up a little.

The leader of the drug ring N.Flying had lost and was now trying to get back. "So..." Hyungwon cleared his throat, wanting to kill the silence for once. He couldn't stand it anymore. "Are we sure the guy is here?" he then asked, earning a soft hum from the man in the driver's seat.

Hyungwon let out a deep sigh, leaning back in his seat. Frustrating. Sitting still was just that, absolutely frustrating. Not being able to talk freely and being with two strangers was shit. Pure shit. Hyungwon would have rather done this shit with Minhyuk or hell, even Kenta who he was still iffy bout working with at times

He couldn't even do anything much since he had little to no knowledge of who this guy was. So for once, he was not able to do what he wanted and that was just barging into the place they were watching and finding the fucker to force him to talk.

But no. He needed to do this smartly and not be hasty unless he wanted shit to go down the drain.

The tall man shuffled in his seat a little, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. "I'll step out to smoke," he informed the two others, pulling on the door handle and pushing the door open before stepping out. It was a small surprise that the others let him out.

Maybe they don't give a damn that it's dangerous.

Their biggest issue would be the fact that the Devil's Choir has a tight leash on the drug rings and could be around them even at the current moment, so they would need to work their way around that.

Of course, if they are lower-ranking members working as guards, Hyungwon could fool them by showing the tattoo on his neck. But the plan wasn't foolproof as knowing the group; traitors were up on a hit list and for some could even be categorized to "kill on sight." but Hyungwon wouldn't say he is a traitor. He's purely on the group's shit list due to his association with Wonho and everything else.

Hyungwon pulled out a cigarette from his pack and placed it between his lips. He quickly lit the toxic stick, immediately feeling a slight bit more relaxed when the grey smoke filled his lungs up.

What did they need again? Hyungwon doubted there was much a drug ring leader knew, but what he knew he could get out was the big bad's next moves regarding business. Asahi was unlikely to heed his warning and step back into hiding now.

Blowing out the smoke, he sighed, glancing at the car he stood beside. He felt slightly uneasy knowing that he couldn't hear the two talking now that he was outside. But they didn't seem too talkative anyway, so Hyungwon doubted they were sharing many secrets in there. Hyungwon rubbed his eyes with one hand a little bit. He didn't know why he was doubting the two.

you make me - hyungwonhoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz