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"A siren rings in my head..."


Hoseok helped Hyungwon out of the grim feeling cellar as he felt the younger tremble in his hold a little. He hadn't expected Hyungwon to do it that extremely but he could sense the relief extruding from the man once he was done. Of course, it must have been difficult to do.

"Won.. take a deep breath for me, yeah?" Hoseok spoke softly. Hyungwon did as the other instructed and the older could feel him relax in his arms. "Okay, good. How do you feel?" Hoseok then asked, cupping the other man's face with his hands.

"I'm okay... I feel free, in a way." Hyungwon replied after clearly pondering about his response momentarily. Hoseok observed the younger's expression before smiling softly. "Great... I'm proud of you." He hummed before pressing a soft kiss on those plump lips.

Now maybe watching your lover murder a man wasn't exactly something to be too proud of, but it was more the fact that Hyungwon had finally confronted something that had hung over his head for his whole life. And Hoseok could tell that it was already clearing up some of the pure chaos inside his eyes.

"Let's head inside so the others know to dispose of him," Hoseok said, letting go of the man's face and grabbed his hand. Hyungwon nodded his head a little and the older started heading inside.

The couple entered the living room. "How'd it go?" Shownu asked immediately. Hoseok just hummed, glancing at Hyungwon kind of expecting the younger to speak. "It went well," Hyungwon spoke up, before blinking a few times as he processed what he had just said. "Well.. As well as killing someone can go.." He then muttered, lowering his head a little. 

"We should prepare to go back home now. We have nothing else to do around here. Minhyuk stated, eyes moving to Woho as if to confirm his statement. The leader nodded his head. "Let's leave tomorrow. The sooner we get to Korea the better."

The leader watched Hyungwon shuffle in his seat over and over. They had landed in Korea a mere hour ago and were on the way to the base. "You okay?" Hoseok whispered, eyeing the younger.

Hyungwon turned to the other. "I.. I'm just nervous for some reason... I really don't know." The man muttered. Hoseok chuckled slightly. "Does it feel like heading into a strange territory?" He asked, earning a small nod. "I'm sure it will pass." Hyungwon huffed, nodding his head. 

The van stopped and everyone got out. There were cars in front of the house implying there were people there. Hoseok recognized the other car s Seonghwa's but the second one stood unfamiliar.

The group headed inside. Hoseok slowed down his pace a little to wait for their newest addition, Kenta. Hyungwon gave him a small glance but when the ex-hitman saw what he was doing he didn't say anything. 

The blonde man wasn't fully in their ranks yet but it seemed no one was against making him an official member. "You're going to meet some people right away.. I didn't expect there to be anyone waiting here so.." 

Kenta nodded his head and hummed quietly. "It's perfectly fine. I'm just a little nervous due to my past connections.. I know anyone who you are associated with might not be too fond of my kind." The man rambled, making Wonho raise an eyebrow.

"Your kind?" he asked, scoffing lightly. "Your kind seems fine in my eyes." He then started, clearing his throat. He earned a questioning look from the other man making him sigh a little. "The Devil's Choir isn't your kind." He then explained simply, shaking his head a bit. "The only one you have to worry about is my father. The rest are more open-minded, but they should be fine. You'll fit in fine." He reassured the younger who just sighed, shoulders relaxing. "Come on."

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