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kailyn's pov

i adjusted myself while sitting in the passenger seat of ethan's truck. we were on our way to the warehouse that we located the rival leader. it was now 1:43 am and i was ready to get this over with.

i glanced over at ethan who had his left hand on the wheel and his right arm resting on the console. i watched as his jaw naturally clenched and had to contain myself. i admire the way his hair was flopped onto his forehead, the black beanie placed on his head pushing the hair down.

i turned away before he could catch me staring and went back to watching the road. i checked the locator on my phone and sighed. twenty minutes to go.

ethan's pov

i felt her eyes on me while i drove us to the warehouse. once her eyes left me, a smirk formed on my face. i heard her sigh as she looked at the locator so i figured we were still kind of far away.

"you know, if you're going to stare at someone, don't make it obvious." i said trying to make conversation. i glanced over at her and saw her roll her eyes as she had a small smile on her face.

"don't flatter yourself. i was making a mental list of things i hate about your physical appearance." she scoffed and looked out the front windshield.

"ouch" i put my hand on my chest pretending to be offended earning a small laugh from her.

i watched as she readjusted her gun holster to be more comfortable. i know she's planning on taking the shot tonight so she can get her next line but what she doesn't know is that i'm letting her get it.

this entire time i've always purposely gotten one line ahead of her because i knew she would catch up. not only did it make this journey more interesting but it also showed her i was dedicated to my job.

"how much longer do we have??" i questioned. i wanted to go home and go to bed.

"twelve minutes." she sighed and rested her head against the window.

"don't be falling asleep on me now." i laughed hearing a small laugh escape her.

"i won't" she yawned and closed her eyes.

thinking she fell asleep, i rested my hand on her thigh. this is what i want. all i ask.

kailyn's pov

i closed my eyes just to rest them knowing i wouldn't fall asleep in twelve minutes. shortly after i closed my eyes, i felt a hand on my thigh. i didn't bother moving it. it felt right.

i opened my eyes as i felt us slow down. i saw we were pulling to the side of the road with the headlights off. ethan unbuckled his seat belt and got out so i followed. he went to the back to load his gun and put his bullet proof vest on. i slipped my vest on while my gun was already loaded.

we crossed the street and walked down a dirt road before i saw the warehouse. i looked around the building to see if we could enter somewhere besides the main door, knowing it's probably not the smartest idea.

"i see a door over there" ethan whispered pointing to the left side of the building. we quietly jogged to the left and snuck in through the door.

i knew we couldn't just walk in the but i saw a ladder next to us that lead up to the rafters. i lightly slapped ethan's shoulder and tilted my head towards the ladder signaling to go that way. i climbed up the ladder and ethan followed.

i slowly walked across the rafters into a different room where i saw a bunch of guys talking. i told ethan to back up so we were back in the first room.

"what's the plan?" i asked quietly, knowing the men couldn't hear me from where we were.

"i don't know but i do know that when we get back, my plan is to get a piece of that fine ass." ethan smirked at me looking down at my ass that was bent in front of him due to me slightly crouching.

"ethan i swear to god. i am holding a gun and i am not afraid to use it." i pointed the gun at him and he held his hands up in surrender, backing up a bit more.

"i think we just have to sit here and wait for the other men to at least leave this room. then you can snipe him and we can get out of here." i said as i sat down on the rafters. ethan nodded and followed my movements.

"you know" ethan said, starting a conversation, "what you said in class the other day about love-"

i cut him off. "can we not talk about this? i told you it was stupid and i shouldn't have said anything." i said pulling my knees to my chest and putting my head down.

"i was going to say i feel the same way" he continued. i raised my head and looked at him.

"really?" i questioned.

"yea. i've never been able to experience love. all these girls think i'm a hit it and quit it kind of guy. they just use me for one night stands because they think that's who i am. growing up with this lifestyle, i've been labeled as something i'm not. i haven't had sex with a girl in a while because i haven't found a girl that i know won't use me for sex. i want something real. i want to feel love. i want to be loved and give that same love in return." he stared at the space in front of him as he stopped talking and i just looked at him, taking in everything he just said.

"wow" i said looking at the space in front of us too. i looked back at him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"maybe you're not as bad as i thought." i smiled and he smiled back at me.

"bout time you see it." he let out a small laugh.

"i'm sorry." i frowned as i took my hand back.

"for what?" he looked at me with a confused look on his face.

"for being one of the people who labeled you as something you're not. you're different than what i thought." i leaned my head back against the wall behind us.

"yea. i'm also sorry for being such a dick when we were kids. i guess that made me look different in your perspective. i never meant for that to happen. i was just joking around being the dumb seven year old i was." he sighed and looked at his hands. i smiled at the fact that he didn't mean it.

"how about we start over?" i looked at him and saw a smile form.

"yea i'd like that." he looked back at me.

"hi i'm kailyn. you seem cool and i think we could be great friends." i smiled and stuck my hand out for him to shake.

"i'm ethan. i agree with you. friends?" he gripes my hand as he smiled back.

"friends." i said as we shook hands.

the start of something new

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