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1 week later

after that night, i woke up to an empty bed and no ethan to be found. i searched the house and he wasn't there. his car wasn't there either. i just left figuring he would text me later.

it's now a week later and he hasn't texted or called. i already thought it was strange for him to leave without saying anything but for him to not say anything for a whole week is worse.

we have school tomorrow so i decided to just sleep it off and hopefully talk to him tomorrow.


i walked through the halls pushing through all the freshman trying to get to second period. english. with ethan. maybe he'll tell me why he just ghosted me as soon as we were getting closer to each other.

i got to class and sat down in my spot waiting for the brown haired boy to walk in as well. the bell rang and there was no signs of ethan. i sighed thinking he didn't show up because i'm here. i tend to think the worst about things.

i was zoning off into my own world when a folded piece of paper landed on my desk. i furrowed my eyebrows as i unfolded it and read the sloppy hand writing.

heard you fucked dolan last week. i guess he can add you to the list now.

this fucking bitch. he got close to me, let me give him a blowjob, then ghosts me and spreads lies about me?? oh he's done for.

i stood up and walked out of the classroom searching for the only person i needed to see right now. i turned the corner by the cafeteria and saw him shoving his tongue down another girls throat. i walked up to them and ripped him off of her, raising my eyebrow at her telling her to piss off. she rolled her eyes and walked away leaving me and bitch face over here.

"who do you think you are?!" i immediately said when the girl was out of hearing range.

"me? who do you think you are coming over here and sending some girl off while we were in the middle of something." he raised his voice at me.

"you fucking dick! you used me!!" i raised my voice even louder before i realized people would start coming out of the classrooms to see the drama unfold. i grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the nearest door so we were now outside.

"used you?? what the hell are you talking about?" he furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"you played nice to get closer to me, let me give you a blowjob, then you ghost me and spread rumors about me!" i yelled at him as i held up the piece of paper.

his eyes scanned the note as he grew more confused. "kailyn i promise you i did not tell anyone."

"well who would've told them then huh? and why else would you be ghosting me?!" my voice cracked as tears brimmed my eyes. i'm not sure why i was about to cry. i don't cry unless it's serious.

"baby please don't cry." he took a step towards me and tried to wipe the tears off me face but i smacked his hand away.

"do not call me baby. and don't touch me. tell me why you're ghosting me." i said as i collected myself and wiped the tears away.

"i um. i don't know." he licked the inside of his cheek as if he were thinking as he squinted his eyes up at the bright sky.

"wow okay then. guess i mean nothing to you." i turned and walked away expecting him to grab my arm and pull me back and tell me that i'm not nothing but that never happened.

he just let me go.

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