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ethan's pov

i could visibly see her eyes go wider than the size of a quarter as she gulped, loudly might i add. i could tell she was not happy about this and neither was i. i'll admit it, kailyn's fine as fuck and i would hit that any day. i also love her personality and overall she's a great person but her attitude towards me kills me inside. she's never given me a chance ever since i joked around as a kid and made her dislike me. now grayson gets to be up all over her while i just get to sit back and observe.

"t-together??" she asked to make sure she heard her father's words clearly. all he did was nod back.

"excuse me sir but i don't think that's necessary. i can handle this on my own." i tried reasoning with him. although i know i wouldn't mind spending some time with her by ourselves. maybe she could see that i'm not the asshole i was as a child.

"no can do. this job is way too dangerous for one of you to do it by yourself. if anything happened to either of you and i knew it was my fault for sending you out there alone, i would never forgive myself. so you guys can set aside this 'feud' you have for a couple of days because it needs to be both of you. no ifs, ands, or buts." he ended the conversation, turning around and opening the door.

"but daaad-" she began but was quickly cut off by his deep voice.

"i said no buts." he walked out of the room before we could say another word.

once he was out of the room i turned to her at the same time she had turned to me, only difference is she rolled her eyes while i smiled.

"just meet me in the investigation room in ten minutes." she stormed out of the room to which i'm guessing was the living room as she went left and the investigation room is to the right. she probably went to talk to grayson. i rolled my eyes at the thought. i've always been jealous of her and grayson's "relationship". how come he gets to be friends with her and hang out with her while i get the snarky comments and rude eye rolls. it's just not fair.

i made my way to the investigation room but not without taking a peek into the living room first. big mistake. i could see grayson sitting in the same spot as before as kailyn was standing behind the couch with her arms draped over grayson's shoulders and her face nuzzled in the crook of his neck. that could be me if she would just give me a chance. i rolled my eyes and turned around heading to the investigation room.

shortly after i stepped into the cold room, kailyn came in and immediately went to the computer. i watched her walk, mesmerized by her every move. whenever i look at her i can't help but think about what it would be like to even just be friends with her for once. what it would be like to go on late night drives or stay up until two am doing god knows what. what it would be like to hang out all the time and do things that best friends do.

or even what it would be like to hunt people down and kill them together. or to sit in the tattoo shop watching each other finish our tattoos at the same time. or possibly what it would be like to pin her against the wall and show her just how much i really love her. i just want her to be mi-

"ethan. ethan!!" her voice snapped me out of my thoughts and i turned my attention to her to see her facing me as she has a map pulled up.

"yea what's up?" i questioned probably looking flustered from where my thoughts were going.

"i found him."

kailyn's pov

i frantically typed on the computer as i heard complete silence all around me. weird. i'm surprised ethan's not giving cocky comments and making sexual innuendos towards me like he normally does. i found what i was looking for and swiveled around in the chair to see ethan staring at me, deep in thought.

he had slightly tugged his bottom lip between his teeth and i could tell he wasn't going to snap out of it on his own anytime soon. i took this time to admire his fluffy hair that had been blow dried into a short quiff, the black hoodie, and his grey sweatpants that just so happened to show a prominent outline that caused me to gulp.

i will admit ethan is very attractive and i have had some sort of feelings for him pushed way back in my brain. i would let him rail me any day but his shitty personality makes me what to shove him off a bridge. if he were to ask me to be his girlfriend i wouldn't say no but it also wouldn't be a definite yes. that kids attitude physically hurts me. before my thoughts could take me anywhere, i snapped him out.

"ethan. ethan!!" he quickly snapped out of his thoughts and looked into my eyes.

"yea what's up?" he said as he cleared his throat looking very flustered.

"i found him." i replied making ethan stand up and pull his chair next to me. very close.

he sat down and examined the screen, his face only being a few inches away from mine.

"wow you're good." he breathed out and turned to me and i was surprised at how much closer our faces got.

"well it's actually very simple...." i trailed off as i got lost in his eyes. the same eyes that stared back into mine. the same eyes that traveled down to my lips then back up.

i thought i was going insane when i saw him leaning in. our faces were getting closer by the second to the point where they would've connected with one more move. i could feel him breathing against my lips as i continued to stare into his eyes. he eventually moved to the side of my head and nibbled on my neck and my earlobe causing me to bite my lip to suppress a small moan.

"just kiss me already." he whispered into my ear.

before our lips made contact, i remembered everything i've reminded myself about when it comes to my feelings. don't do it, he's a shitty person, he's going to hurt you, don't do it. i backed away and cleared my throat as i turned back to the computer. he opens his mouth to say something but is interrupted by the door opening. my dad pops in head in and smiles at us.

"how's it going in here?" he asks with the same smile still plastered on his face.

"great actually. we found the guy, now it's time to finish the job." ethan states as a smirk makes it's way onto his face. holy hell this dude.

"good job guys. i knew i could count on you two to complete this job. keep up the great work." he backs away from the room and closes the door before walking away. i shut the computer off and walk to the door to leave then a hand grabs my arm and turns me around before im pinned against the wall. i felt ethan's lips on mine and i almost melted into the kiss but had to stop myself. as much as i wanted to stay there and have this moment, i knew i couldn't.

i pushed him off of me and furrowed my eyebrows. i walked out without even looking at him. what is happening to me?

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