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i hurried down the steps of the school to my car before anyone could stop me. i can't let ethan be ahead and let him feel like he's better than me. he's not. ever since we were kids he's always tried to be better than me but i will not allow that. he wouldn't let me hear the end of it if he finishes his tattoo before me. it's not going to happen.

i climbed in my car immediately starting it and turning the air conditioning on as my car feels like a fucking sauna. i pulled out of the parking lot and started heading home to drop my backpack off. i blasted music to help relieve some stress and cruised down the street praying i don't get pulled over. i pulled into the driveway and got out of the car, grabbing my bag and walking into the house. i walked up to my room and dropped my bag on the floor then turned back around and left.

i go to the abandoned building the gang hangs out at everyday after school because my house is very lonely with my dad always being at the building and my mom working late. being there is always fun and time consuming whether we're out killing people who's lives deserve to be ended or if we're simply sitting in the "living room" passing a joint and having a laugh-filled conversation.

i pull into the makeshift parking lot which is actually a big square of pavement that we just line up on because the lines faded god knows how long ago. i parked next to grayson's truck and turn the car off, getting out and always being sure to lock it. i walk in to see people already sitting in a circle passing a joint. i see grayson stick the joint between his lips and inhale before reaching over the empty seat next to him to pass to the next person. he sees me and smirks waving me over and patting the empty spot on the couch.

me and grayson are friends. i'm actually friends with everyone in their friend group besides ethan. now me and grayson don't ever hang out outside of school or the group because he's always with ethan and that's not going to happen.

i walk over and take a seat on the couch and smile to myself remembering this would be ethan's spot if he were here and he's not going to be happy when he gets here after his appointment. that doesn't mean i'm going to move and i know grayson's not going to make me.

the joint eventually makes it's way back around and i grab it, putting it in my mouth and inhaling. i see grayson watching me intently so i turn to him and blow the smoke in his face before passing the joint to the next person.

"that was hot." he said lowly.

i've always had thoughts that grayson had some sort of feelings for me by the things he said but the conversation with myself always ended in me calling my conscience delusional. someone like him would never like someone like me. we may have similar lifestyles but we're very different as people.

"yea it was but now she needs to move." i heard a voice from behind me and i turned to see ethan. the shiny plastic wrapped around his arm caught my attention when the light reflected off of it, causing me to roll my eyes. i turned back around to talk to grayson again but just before i could start talking, i was cut off by the same voice.

"i said move." i turned around once more to see him walking closer to the point where he was hovering over me thinking it would scare me. it doesn't and neither does he.

"you know, i heard you the first time but i chose to ignore you because i really don't give a fuck about anything you say so you can calm your tits and go take a seat right over there." i finished by pointing to an empty chair on the opposite side of the circle just in time for the joint to be passed to me again.

ethan glared at me and walked to the empty seat as grayson raised an eyebrow at me. "what?" i questioned. "you just keep getting more and more attractive." he smiled at me as he draped an arm over the back of the couch. i turned myself to be facing away from grayson then layed my head on his lap and put my feet up on the armrest of the couch.

we ended up talking and smoking for what seemed like hours before i heard the sound of the boss' boots walk in. "what's up dad?" i nudged my chin in his direction as he stood next to me. honestly my dad doesn't really give a fuck as to what i do. he knew as soon as i became part of the gang that i would be involved in murders, drugs, and alcohol.

"nothing much. i actually need to talk to you and ethan." his eyes scanned the room until they landed on ethan and he tilted his head to the side signaling to ethan that he needed him. i rolled my eyes and got up out of my very comfortable spot and followed my father, ethan following shortly behind. we followed him into another room where he closed the door then turned to us.

"another gang has strolled into town and are planning on taking us down. we need you guys to find the leader and get rid of him. without him his gang is nothing." he looked between both of us as his tone was very serious. me and ethan have always been the stronger and better members of the group so it's not out of the ordinary for him to pick one of us for the job, i'm just not quite sure why both of us are here.

"alright. i'll take care of that tonight." i replied as i crossed my arms over my chest.

"no. i'm pretty sure he was talking to me. i'll do it." ethan responded quickly once he knew that would tie us up. of course he would.

"ethan i swear. let me do it or i will beat your a-" we were cut off by my father's voice.

"i think you guys misunderstood. you're doing this together."

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