Thirty Six

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THE GROUP had made their way to the church, where they were met with a very anxious Ambrose.

"Where's Mo? Is he with you?" she asked the group, her eyes scanning for any sign of her husband.

Her father, however had ignored her question, whether because of his guilt or sadness for the loss of his son-in-law. Instead, his eyes fixed to the door, which wasn't in good condition to say the very least.

"This flaming door. Always sticking. I thought you were having it fixed?"

"Dad!" she scolded her father. She didn't much care for the door. She wanted her husband.

"Something's happened to him, hasn't it?" a younger sounding voice spoke up. The group turned to see a little boy, and by the way Ambrose looked at him, Pip could tell that Ambrose was his mother. She felt a pang of longing, longing for a relationship like that, a parent-child relationship. A mother. Something she never had, and never will have.

Her feelings didn't matter right now. Her best friend was gone, and she was going to save her if it was the last thing she did.
The church itself had a stained glass window behind the altar, but from what Pip could see, the church hadn't been used for services in a long time.

Pip was never a religious person, she always thought that, if angels and demons were truly real, that the angels would have saved her from him. The person who had put her through so much physical and mental pain. No. If angels were real, they would have saved Amy from the ground. Saved River from "dying" that night, though she knew now that she was far from dead, she was so alive. The thought of River made her frown. She hoped she was okay, wherever she was.

"So we can't get out, we can't contact anyone, and something, the something that took my husband, is coming up through the earth" Ambrose asked yet again, still pondering over the absolute impossibility of the situation she was currently in.

"Yes, if we move quickly enough, we can be ready" the Doctor confirmed.

Ambrose sighed. This was ridiculous.

"No, stop. This has gone far enough. What is this?" Ambrose raised her voice slightly, clearly growing frustrated, and frankly, Pip couldn't blame her. She had lost a loved one to the ground too. She could feel the sadness and frustration radiating off of her.

Mack put a hand on his daughters shoulders sympathetically.

"He's telling the truth, love" He smiled sadly, this was hard for him to cope with too, but he had to be strong, for his daughter.

"Come on. It's not the first time we've had no mobile or phone signals. Reception's always rubbish" Ambrose said, rather dismissively.

"Look, Ambrose" Nasreen began, turning her head towards her. "We saw the Doctor and Pip's friend get taken, okay? You saw the lightning in the sky. I have seen the impossible today, and the only people who have made any sense of it for me are the Doctor and Pip" Nasreen pointed her hand in the pair's direction, Pip smiling slightly. She liked Nasreen.

"Them?" Ambrose raised her eyebrows skeptically.

"Us" Pip and the Doctor spoke in unison, turning to look at each other and smiling slightly.

"Can you get my dad back?" Elliot, Ambrose's son spoke up, his voice wavering. Pip's heart hurt for the poor boy. She always had a soft spot for children.

Pip knelt down in front of the boy and put her hands on his shoulders, smiling.

"Elliot, we will definitely get your dad back. You know why?"

"Why?" the boy frowned.

"Because im making a promise, And I don't break promises, I keep them. I promise we will get him back for you. Me and clever boy over there" she jabbed her thumb towards where the Doctor was standing, who shook his head fondly at the nickname.

This made Elliot smile and wrap his small arms around her. She froze for a second, such a small action yet it felt so familiar to her.
She reciprocated the hug, grinning.

"Tell us what to do" Ambrose told them with newly found confidence.

"Thank you. We have eight minutes to set up a line of defence. Bring me every phone, every camera, every piece of recording or transmitting equipment you have" the Doctor instructed, moving toward the graveyard outside.

"Every burglar alarm, every movement sensor, every security light. I want the whole area covered with sensors" He finished, looking toward Pip, who was now holding Elliot's hand. He couldn't help but notice the distant look in her eyes, as if she were remembering something. Something important perhaps. Never mind that, they had a world to save.


Eleven's Soulmate (An Eleventh Doctor and OC story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora