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THE SUN was shining in Leadworth, a slightly chilly day, but nonetheless sunny.

A woman, whom looked to be around 18 years old, was on her way home from college. She'd had to get a bus all the way back, takes around an hour.

The bus finally stopped, and the woman got off. She walked for about five minutes before receiving a phone call. She rooted around her pockets for her phone.

"Hello?" She asked whoever's was on the other end.

"PIP! YOU'VE GOT TO GET BACK HERE, QUICKLY!" the other person practically screamed, making "Pip" jump in surprise, nearly dropping the phone in the process.

"Calm down, Amy. What's wrong?" She was concerned, to put it simply. "Amy" had never called her in such panic as she was right now.

"He's back" that was all she had to say before "Pip" knew exactly what she was talking about.

"You mean raggedy man?" She asked, unbelievingly.

"Yes! Now get back here" "Amy" replied.

"Pip" started running, trying not to drop her bags whilst she was at it. She finally made it back home around ten minutes later.

She opened the front door, calling out for her friend.

Amy came running down the stairs seconds later, talking much to fast for her to understand what she was saying.
The redhead, whom was about two years older than herself, stopped to catch her breath. She dragged Pip up the stairs, much to her protests, and Pip gasped in disbelief when she saw the familiar mop of brown hair. His clothes were still tattered and torn. One detail that did leave her confused was the fact that he was attached to the radiator by Amy's fake handcuffs.

"What did you do?" She asked Amy. Amy put her hands up.

"In my defence, he was breaking and entering. I was shocked, so I knocked him out"

"With what?"

"A frying pan" she replied sheepishly.

"You're joking" Pip chuckled, making Amy smile.

The man woke up suddenly. The first things he saw were two women. One wearing a police uniform, a walkie-talkie in her right hand. The second, he noted, looked a bit younger, wearing casual clothes. She was also a brunette.

Amy immediately put her act into place, urging Pip to do so too, even though she had no idea what Amy was up to.

"White male, mid twenties, breaking and entering. Send me some back up. I've got him restrained. Oi! You, sit still" She half yelled at the man, who had stirred again. Remembering the events that had just led up to this, he quietly sighed.

"Frying pan. I'm getting frying pan"

"You were breaking and entering" the policewoman told him factually.

Now noticing he'd been handcuffed to the radiator, he sighed yet again.

"Well that's much better. Brand new me. Whack on the head, just what I needed" he muttered sarcastically.

"Do you want to shut up now? I've got back up on the way" Amy retorted, rather irritated now.

"Hang on, no, wait. You're a police woman"

"And you're breaking and entering. You see how this works" Amy was seriously getting fed up of this man.

"But what are you two doing here? Where's Amelia and Pippa?"

"Amelia Pond and Pippa Danforth?" She started to act suspicious, he was falling for her police act anyway. Pippa stayed quiet. He remembered them.

Eleven's Soulmate (An Eleventh Doctor and OC story)Where stories live. Discover now