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THE DOCTOR and River were currently talking, or panicking.

Octavian, however, had withdrawn from the conversation completely, trying to get hold of Bob. He'd sent the soldier in about half an hour ago to find Christian and Angelo. He was worried, to say the least.

"Bob, Angelo, Christian, come in, please. Any of you, come in" he spoke frantically at the walkie talkie, hoping he'd get a response.

Luck was on his side, fortunately.

"It's Bob, sir. Sorry sir" Bob replied, Octavian sighing in relief.

"Bob, are Angelo and Christian with you? All the statues are active. I repeat, all the statues are active" he told Bob.

"I know sir. Angelo and Christian are dead, sir. The statues killed him, sir" Bob's voice sounded unusually dull, dead even.

The Doctor grabbed the walkie talkie out of Octavian's hand, not noticing the glare he received in return.

"Bob. Sacred Bob, it's me, the Doctor" he exclaimed, happy to hear that Bob was okay.

"I'm talking to-"

"Where are you now?" The Doctor interrupted Octavian, ignoring the second glare sent his way.

"I'm talking to my-" Octavian tried again.

He was cut off a second time by the Time Lord.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, shut up"

"I'm on my way up to you, sir. I'm homing in on your signal"

"Ahh well done, Bob. Scared keeps you fast. Told you, didn't I. Your friends, Bob. What did the Angel do to them?" The Doctor asked Bob.

"Snapped their necks, sir" Bob replied, to which the Doctor frowned.

"That's odd. That's not how the Angels kill you. They displace you in time. U less they needed the bodies for something" he trailed off, deep in thought.

"Bob, did you check their data packs for vital signs? We may be able to initiate a rescue plan"

To which the Doctor scoffed at Octavian.

"Oh, don't be an idiot. The Angels don't leave you alive. Bob, keep running. But tell me, how did you escape?"

"I didn't escape sir. The Angel killed me, too"

Pip couldn't help but feel extremely upset for Bob. At the same time, however, she was extremely confused. If he's dead, how is he talking to them?

Apparently Amy was thinking the same, as she grabbed the brunette's hand, and squeezed it.

"What do you mean, the Angel killed you?" The Doctor frowned in confusion.

"Snapped my neck, sir. Wasn't as painless as I expected, but it was pretty quick, so that's something" Bob replied, making Pip cringe.

"Didn't really needed to hear that, but thanks anyway" Pip muttered sarcastically, to which Amy heard, and chuckled quietly.

"If you're dead, how can I be talking to you?" The Doctor asked, almost demanding an answer.

"You're not talking to me, sir. The Angel has no voice. It stripped my cerebral cortex from my body and re-animated a version of my conscious to communicate with you. Sorry about the confusion"

"So when you say you're on your way up to us" the Doctor trailed off, eyes widening in realisation.

"It's the Angel that's coming, sir, yes. No way out"

"Great. Just great" Pip threw her arms up in the air.

"Then we get out through the wreckage. Go! Go, go, go. All of you, run!" Octavian gestured to the rest of the group to run ahead.

"Doctor!" Amy shouted at the Doctor, whom was still stood in the same place as before.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm coming. Just go. Go, go, go. Yeah. Called you an idiot. Sorry, but there's no way we could have rescued your men" the Doctor apologised to Octavian, whom just shrugged in response.

"I know that, sir. And when you've flown away in your little blue box, I'll explain that to their families".

Pip couldn't help bit feel extremely guilty, even if they really couldn't have done anything to save the three soldiers. On the other hand, she felt angry toward the Doctor, whom seemed to feel little to no remorse for the men who lost their lives.

"Angel Bob. Which Angel am I talking to? The one from the ship?" The Doctor asked.

"Yes sir. And the other Angels are still restoring"

Pip's hand felt extremely stiff. She looked down at her hand. Her hand had gripped onto a metal pole before hand.

Her eyes widened.

Her hand was stone.

"Ah, so the Angel is not in the wreckage. Thank you" the Doctor runs past Amy and Pip.

"Don't wait for me. Go, run" he called out.

"In case you haven't bloody noticed, I can't" Pip shouted, the Doctor turning around to look at her in confusion.

"Why not?" He frowned in confusion.

"Because my bloody hand is stone, you clever boy!" She nearly screamed in frustration.

The Doctor walked towards her, his eyes widening.
In the tunnel, River and Octavian were walking together. The sound of metal creaking was the only sound that could be heard.

"Well. There it is, the Byzantium" the pair stopped walking upon finding what they were looking for.

Seconds later, Amy had managed to catch up to them, not noticing the Doctor and Pip weren't following behind them.

"Where's Pip? The Doctor?" River asked the redhead.

Amy looked behind her, realising they hadn't followed.

"They must be a bit behind. They'll get here soon" she smiled.

River couldn't help but feel something was wrong. She had to shake it off, however, and focus on what was happening now.

"It's got to be at least thirty feet. How do we get up there?" She questioned.

"Check all these exits. I want them all secure" Octavian instructed, both girls nodding their heads in understanding.
Hey all,
I know updates are coming slower than usual.
My mental health has deteriorated further since we've been in quarantine.
The UK is now on lockdown, so we can't really do much as of now.
It's serious now. There's at least a minimum of 18,000 cases here right now, with people like Boris Johnson (our Prime Minister) and Prince Charles testing positive for Covid-19.

I hope you are all well. Please, take care of yourselves and other during these hard times. If you have the virus, I hope you recover soon.

Best wishes,
Nikki-Pip :)

Eleven's Soulmate (An Eleventh Doctor and OC story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu