Thirty Two

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IN THE somewhat quiet little town of Cwymtaff, Wales, the year was 2020. It was an old mining village, with half the homes there boarded up, not wanting other people to live there. A man was helping a boy to read.

"But who is this creature with terrible claws, terrible teeth in his terrible jaws?"

After a small silent pause, which was presumingly the man waiting for the younger boy to continue, he spoke up again.

"Go on, your bit. He has...he has..."

The boy gave up trying to read the words on the page, the letters all jumbled up. None of it made any sense to him.

"I can do it, dad. I can listen to books, anyway" he spoke, defeated.

"I know it doesn't come easy, son, but you've got to keep at it. All right? You're not on your own with this" his father tried to reassure him, although feeling smaller, yet similar doubts begin to grow.

A woman, presumably the boys mother, walks up to the pair of them, holding a lunchbox. She hands it over to her husband, smiling slightly.

"Mo, you'll be late for your shift!"

Mo sighed, before patting his sons head sympathetically.

"You're right. I'm sorry El, got to go. Now who loves you more than me?" He asked, making the boy grin.

"No one"

"Stop saying that" the woman scolded her husband, frowning slightly.

With that, Mo began to cycle to, well, wherever he worked. Perhaps this shift will be a little more interesting than usual?
"Behold! Rio!" The Doctor announced excitedly, throwing open the Tardis doors.

However, this wasn't Rio. There was no sand, no people, no vibrant colours. Just grass, mud, and some of the dullest colours the planet had to offer. Not to mention, how bitterly cold it was.

"Yeah I don't know about you, but this doesn't quite look like Rio to me, mate" Pip scoffed, shivering. She felt lucky she hadn't put on a swimsuit, and had instead opted for jeans and a top. Amy, however...

"Nah" Amy nodded on agreement, now regretting having wore the clothes she had.

"Not really getting the sunshine, carnival vibe" Rory frowned, making Pip snort in amusement.

"No? Ooh, feel that though. What's that?" The Doctor raised an eyebrow, jumping up and down repeatedly.

"It's called grass, mate. Usually green, animals tend to eat it, looks nice in the garden"

"Ha ha, funny" the Doctor turned to half glare at Pip, who, despite her more appropriate choice of clothing, was shivering from the cold.

"Doctor, stop trying to distract us. We're in the wrong place. Doctor, it's freezing and I've dressed for Rio"

"Yeah, we can see that" Pip snickered, earning a small shove from Amy in return.

After a minute longer of pointless conversation, mainly concerning where on earth (or other planet) they were, Amy couldn't help but spot two people in the distance.

"Why are those people waving at us?" She asked, frowning.

The Doctor stepped forward slightly, frowning in what seemed like disbelief.

"That's you, ten years in the future. Come to relive past glories, I'd imagine. Humans, you're so nostalgic"

"That's me! Me and you, Rory! But then-"

"Where am I?" Pip finished the redhead sentence, frowning too. The Ponds were there, but where was she? Did something happen to her?

"Perhaps you're a bit behind" Rory offered, trying to cheer the brunette up a little.

"Yeah, maybe" she shrugged her shoulders, but still couldn't shake the feeling that after all this time, they may have just up and ditched her, just as the Dreamlord said would happen.

"Let's go talk to them! We can say hi to future us! How cool is that?" Amy grinned.

"Er, no, best not. Really best not. These things get complicated really quickly, and-"

In attempt to divert their attention, the Doctor pointed at a mining cavern, or so it looked like one anyway, in his eyes.

"Oh look. Big mining thing. Oh I love a big mining thing. See, way better than Rio. Rio doesn't have a big mining thing" he rambled excitedly, with a grin as wide as the cheshire cat.

"I take it we're going to have a look, aren't we?" Pip rolled her eyes. She just wanted Rio. Not this sad excuse for an adventure.

"Let's go and have a look! Come on, you three, lest go see what they're doing"

"Mining, probably. Pretty obvious, you clever boy"

"If he can't get us to Rio, how is he going to get us back home" Rory whispered as the Doctor ran off.

"Did you not see over there? It all works out fine" Amy practically dismissed his question.

"Yeah, we do. Us two. But what about Pip?" He gestured toward the brunette, who was still looking at the hill.

"Look, maybe she's still catching up. Stop worrying" she rolled her eyes.

The Dreamlord's words began to sink in just then. Maybe he's right?

"After everything we've seen, we just drop back into our old lives? The nurse and the kissogram?"

"I guess. He's getting away"

Pip decided to follow the Doctor, not wanting to hear the rest of their conversation.

"Hang on. What are you doing with that?" Rory pointed at the ginger's hand, which had her engagement ring.

"Engagement ring. I though you liked me wearing it?"

"Amy, you could lose it. Cost a lot of money, that"

"Hmm. Spoilsport" she muttered, slipping the ring off her finger, and hesitantly handing said ring to her fiance.

"Go on. I'll catch you all up" he smiled, before opening the Tardis doors.

With that, Amy ran off to catch up with the Doctor and Pip.
Hello you lot!
Haven't been updating a lot, I know. I'm sorry!
I will try to get chapters out at a quicker pace, but please be patient with me!
Thanking you all!

Eleven's Soulmate (An Eleventh Doctor and OC story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora