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AMY, PIP, the Doctor, River and Octavian were walking up the terraces. Pip paused momentarily, her eye felt strange. She rubbed it, seeing dust falling between her fingers.

The other three stop, seeing Pip had fallen behind.

"You alright, Pip?" River asked her, the brunette nodding in response.

"I'm good" she smiled.

"So, what's this maze of the dead then?" Amy asked the Doctor and River.

"Oh it's not as bad as it sounds. It's just a labyrinth of dead people buried in the walls"

Upon hearing this, Pip, who was tracing her hands across the walls, immediately retracted her hands in disgust. She gave River a look, as if to say 'thanks for that'.

"Okay, that was fairly bad. Right give me your arms. This won't hurt a bit" River finished, before grabbing Amy's and Pip's arms, injecting them.

Both girls hissed in pain, Amy slightly louder.

"Liar" Pip glared at River, only to receive a grin in return.

"There, you see?. I lied. It's a viro stabiliser. Stabilises your metabolism against radiation, drive burn, anything really. You're going to need it when we get up to that ship" River informed the two girls, Pip still pouting.

"So what's he like? In the future, I mean. Because you know him in the future, don't you?" Amy asked River, receiving a smirk in return.

"The Doctor? Well, the Doctor's the Doctor. Except, he may just have a girlfriend in the very near future. Can't believe I didn't see it happening before, really. But there you go" as she said this, she turned around to face Pip, Pip frowning at her in return. Who was she talking about?

"Oh? Okay then, we'll keep that in mind, won't we Pip?" Amy nudged Pip's side gently, earning a scowl in return.

"Shut up" Pip told her, hitting her arm.

"Yes we were" River suddenly turned toward the Doctor, the two girls sharing confused glances.

"Sorry, what?" The Doctor asked, the two girls shrugging at him from behind River.

"Talking about you" River told him, still smirking.

"Sorry, I wasn't listening" he replied, knowing full well that he was.

"Yes you were, you clever boy, the look on your face says it all" Pip had to point out his face, in which he was still ever so slightly blushing. He turned to look at her, smiling.

"Anyone would think you two were married, the way you two act around each other" Amy chipped in, only to receive a glare and another smack on the arm.
In the side chamber, the soldiers were currently exploring.

"Can you believe this? We're hunting statues!" Christian asked Angelo, feeling the adrenaline as they walked deeper into the chamber.

"Better than chasing lava snakes" Angelo snorted at the memory, Christian chuckling quietly with him.

They walked in silence for a few more seconds, each on guard on case they were to come across a Weeping Angel.

"Actually, lava snakes weren't that bad" Christian runs off ahead of Angelo, leaving Angelo to try and go after him.

As Christian got further into the chamber, or cave, the torch on his rifle appeared to flicker, the sound of stone grating on...well, stone. The sound immediately alerted him. They certainly weren't in there alone.

Eleven's Soulmate (An Eleventh Doctor and OC story)Where stories live. Discover now