Twenty Five

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I'd like to make it clear a second time, that I will not be writing "Vampires of Venice". Whilst it's important for Rory's introduction to the Tardis and time travelling, I feel it doesn't add anything important to the plot of this story.
"MUMMY, CAN we go and visit uncle Rory and auntie Amy? We haven't seen them in ages!" Little Alfie asks, pouting. Pip chuckles at the three year old, picking him up.

"Why not, we can get some ice cream on the way back"

"Ice cream!" The little boy squealed in excitement.

As the brunette and her child walked the journey to the Ponds little cottage, she couldn't help but notice something felt off. Different from their usual visits.

Then she heard it.

The whooshing of a blue box materialising.

"Mummy, can you hear that?" Alfie asks, looking up at her.

"Don't worry, it's not dangerous. It won't hurt you" she spoke, her hand stroking the toddler's little hand.

And it appeared. And he stepped out, looking exactly the same as he did when he left. Hadn't aged a bit.

"Pip! Look at you! Haven't aged a day. Who's this little fella" he asked, kneeling down to little Alfie's level.

"This is Alfie, three now. Alfie, sweetie. This man is called the Doctor"

"Doc-tor? Doctor! Doctor! Doctor!" The little boy spoke, repeating his name happily. The Doctor laughed at his antics.

"Doctor!" They all heard a voice call out. They recognised it as Rory's.

"Uncle Rory!" Alfie shouted, running toward him. Rory smiled, and picked him up, tickling him.

"Rory!" The Doctor shouted, happy to see he was okay too.

"Whenever you're ready, Amy" Pip called out, wanting to see her best friend.

Shortly after, a heavily pregnant Amy Pond came outside. The Doctor hugged her, not seeming to understand the fact that she was pregnant.

"She's pregnant, silly boy" Pip poked his shoulder. She'd slap him, but didn't want to teach her son that it was okay to go slapping stupid people. Although, in her mind, it was okay, as long as it was the Doctor.
The group were sat on a bench, away from the small cottage the Ponds called home.

"Ah, Leadworth. Vibrant as ever" the Doctor spoke up, obviously being sarcastic. This was the most boring place on earth, and he knew it.

"It's Upper Leadworth, actually. We've gone slightly upmarket" Rory spoke up, earning an eye roll from Pip.

"Where is everyone?" The Doctor spoke, grinning at Alfie, whom was sat on his mother's lap and pulling funny faces.

"This is busy. Okay, it's quiet, but it's really restful and healthy. Loads of people here live well into their nineties" Amy replied, also seeing the little boy's funny faces, and smiling.

"Well, don't let that get you down" the Doctor smirked, earning an eye roll from Pip.

"Well, I wanted to see how you were. You know me, I don't just abandon people when they leave the Tardis. This Time Lord's for life. You don't get rid of your old pal the Doctor so easily"

"I see your ego hasn't shrunk, then" Pip muttered, the Doctor pouting.

"You came here by mistake, didn't you?" Amy asked, already knowing the answer.

Eleven's Soulmate (An Eleventh Doctor and OC story)Where stories live. Discover now