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You would have thought Marcel's warning would have stopped Karl from going after Daniel huh? Well you thought wrong. Karl planned on going after him and give him a lesson on who is the boss around here. But what Karl didn't know was that Daniel wasn't exactly alone when Karl decided to strike.

He was currently trying to find the little blonde guy and once turning on a corner, he saw Marcel and Daniel talking and giggling. Karl mentally gagged at the sight of them. But then smirked as he got closer. "Here are my two favorite fags." Karl said and both boys flinched. Marcel moved a little to protect Daniel from the wrong doings of Karl.

"Leave us alone Karl." Marcel said and looked at Daniel. Karl cooed at them and they both blushed. "I'm afraid that isn't going to happen curly. Blondie here is just too precious." Karl said and got closer to Daniel. Daniel's breath hitched as Karl ran his hand through his hair. "Leave him alone. Please Karl." Marcel begged. But Karl being his annoying self, didn't listen and kept stroking Daniel's hair.

"Please leave me alone Karl." Daniel said and for the first time, he didn't stutter. He went to move away from him but only resulted in Karl pulling his hair. He cried out in pain and Marcel not wanting to hear his new friend in pain, he slapped Karl. The noise of the impact echoed off the hall and made everyone look at them and both Marcel and Daniel had wide eyes. Karl had let go of Daniel who was now holding onto Marcel. "You little fag." He went towards Marcel and Daniel when a pair of voices spoke behind him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." The pair warned and that made Karl stop on his tracks. He turned around and saw Harry along with a blonde that look an awful lot like the blonde he was after. Both Marcel and Daniel were shocked to see their other twin with someone just like them. Both Daniel and Marcel looked at each and took a step back as Harry and Daniel's twin glared at Karl. "Karl, how many times did warn you to never come near Marcel?" Harry spoke up and Daniel's twin went to where Daniel was and asked if he was okay.

Karl's face paled when Harry gripped the collar of his shirt. "I-I'm sorry H-Harry. I-I didn't mean to go a-after M-Marcel. I w-was a-aiming to the b-blonde." Karl stuttered and Daniel's twin clenched his fists at the thought of someone going after his innocent twin. Harry noticed this and turned back to Karl. "Good. But now, don't come near the cute blonde or my brother. Got it?" Harry said through gritted teeth. Karl nodded furiously and once Harry let go of him, he scrambled off.

Once he was gone, Harry went to Marcel. "Are you okay?" he said. Marcel nodded and Harry sighed. "I'm okay, but I don't think his cheek will be." Marcel said quietly and Daniel let out a small giggle from his twin's arms. "What do you mean?" Marcel let out a giggle as well and hugged Harry. "I um... might've or might've not slapped him?" he mumbled against Harry's chest but Daniel heard him and went on a fit of giggles along with Marcel.

"What's so funny?" Daniel's twin said with an annoyed tone. Daniel pouted on hearing his twin annoyed. "Well, Marcel slapped a guy when he was bothering me." Daniel said innocently. Marcel mentally cooed at that. "Whatever." The other twin grumbled. That made Daniel frown.

"Niall," Daniel said and Niall sighed. "Sorry, it just that, if you weren't hanging out with this kid, that one guy never would have bothered you." Once those words left Niall's mouth, Harry couldn't keep quiet anymore. "Excuse me? Are you saying that it was my brother's fault that Karl was after your brother!? Well you got it all wrong! Karl bothers and goes after who ever he finds tasty in his opinion!" Harry snapped and that seemed to have bothered Niall.

"Well if he hadn't talked to your brother, he wouldn't have gotten bothered on the first day!" Niall hissed. Both Marcel and Daniel stepped away from them and looked at one another. Their eyes watered as the next events happened.

Harry grabbed Marcel and dragged him one way and Niall dragged Daniel the other way. Both boys just looked at one another until they were both out of sight. "Marcel, I don't want you near him." That made Marcel's head snap up to look at him. A look of disbelief crossed his features. "N-No. Please d-don't make me d-do this." Marcel sobbed out and freed himself from Harry's grip. He had just made a friend after so long and he wasn't going to let go.

"Marcel." Harry warned and the younger boy just whimpered and Harry grabbed his wrist again and led them to their car. It was the end of the day and Harry didn't want to be here any longer.

While things were calm on this end, it was totally different in the other. "Niall please?! Don't make me give up on the one friend that understands me and have so much in common!" Daniel cried and followed Niall inside their house. They had left before the Styles and Niall glad because he didn't have to deal with them in the parking lot.

"Fuck Daniel! Listen to me! If you hang out with that nerd, your going to get hurt! Find another friend but forget him!" Niall yelled and went up to his room slamming the door shut. Their mum then appeared from the kitchen and quickly rushed to Daniel's side who was now on the ground sobbing. "Oh sweetie."

She helped him up and placed him on the couch. She hugged him until his cries quiet down. "It's not fair mum. I finally make a friend and Niall doesn't want me near him all because a guy picks on him and will start picking on me. But I don't care. He defended me from the guy and we have so much in common and I just, I just don't want to loose him." Daniel whimpered out. His mum felt bad for him but she could understand Niall's concern.

"It'll be alright darling. I'll talk to him about it." She said and continued to hold him.


So I have wifi at my house now so... be expecting more updates! they will be in my phone so bear with me and the typos. Anyways. I can't believe that people actually like this story.. cx

Anyhoran, thanks for the reads and votes so far! love you!

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