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Hello beauties ♥ I want to dedicate this chapter to all of you who have been here by my side. Thanks for everything. You're the best! 

To say at least, the following days for Harry were unbearable. Marcel wasn't talking to him, Niall's words were still echoing in his mind, and the guilt was eating him alive.

He knew that was all because of him. Still couldn't process the fact that he had raped Niall. Also, that he didn't even remember the lad. 

The only thing he remember was getting laid. And even then, no one bothered in telling him what he had done wrong. 

He didn't know what to do at this point. He desperately wanted for Marcel to go back to how he was. When Marcel would talk to Harry for hours and without Harry ever getting bored.

He wanted his brother back. And to simply know that because of him, things couldn't possibly go back to how they were, hurt. 

It hurt Harry that he couldn't get his brother back at this moment. But that doesn't mean he won't try. He was going to manage into getting his twin back. 

Harry had realized that these couple of days, he wasn't sleeping well and that he has been with that Daniel guy. But he has also realized that Niall had been in a rather happy mood. 

It confused him, but let it slip this time. He knew that Niall was possibly mentally ill. And when thinking this, he thought it might be because of him. 

He once again had that guilty feeling within him, and he didn't like it. He couldn't bare they thought of two innocent people were going to get hurt because of him.

Harry let out a frustrated sigh and laid back onto his bed. He decided to skip school today. He didn't want to see Niall smiling like the Cheshire Cat. It scared him what he could possibly be thinking.

He sighed once again and closed his eyes. He wanted everything to be over. He didn't want this drama. He didn't ask for it. But in a way, he did.

He was trying to keep calm and right when he had decided to take a nap, there was a soft knock at his door. "Yes?" He called out.

"It's only me sweetie. I'm just checking if you need anything." His mum said from the other side of the door. He took a deep breath and shook his head. But his mum couldn't see it so he spoke.

"No mum, I'm fine." He replied. He heard her sigh and soon retreated back down stairs to the kitchen. He had no clue how to fix this.

His brother wasn't talking to him and by the looks of it, he hadn't been sleeping well. He had dark bags under his eyes and it killed Harry that he was one of the causes of his brother state of mind.

Hours passed and Harry staying in his bed with his mum checking up on his every once in a way. But it didn't last long until he heard the front door being thrown open and slammed shut.

He got up from his bed and once opening his bedroom door, he saw a sobbing Marcel rushing passed him. He positive that Marcel hadn't seen him and so he followed him to his room quietly and stood outside the door.

He heard the heartbreaking sobs escaping his lips and it broke his heart hearing how much in pain his twin was. He lifted his hand up to knock when he heard something crash against a wall.

His eyes widened and without thinking twice, he barged in Marcel room. And in front of him, was Marcel with bloodshot eyes and staring at the wall where he had thrown the lap.

"Marcel, what's going on?" He asked. Marcel ignored him and grabbed something from his bed side table and without thinking, he threw it to Harry.

But Harry was able to dodge it and looked at what the item was. It had been the tv remote. He gaped at Marcel and once more, Marcel threw something else at Harry.

And before it could help a third time, Harry launched himself at Marcel and pinned him down onto the bed. "Let go of me Harry!" Marcel yelled, but Harry simply tightened his grip.

"Tell me why you're acting this way!" Harry yelled back. Marcel glared at Harry and tried getting Harry off of him. Harry tightened his grip even more and asked Marcel the same question.

Instead of struggling like the previous time, Marcel gave up and a sob escaped his lips. "Why does everything always end up bad for me? What have I done to deserve so much pain." He sobbed and only then was Harry able to see Marcel's busted lip and forming black eye.

Harry facial expression softened and let go of Marcel. Marcel sat up and Harry moved to his side and brought him close to his chest for an embrace and let Marcel cry.

He rubbed circles on his twin's back and whispered soothing things into his ear. "Marcel, tell me what happened?" Harry said softly. It took a while before Marcel looked up and wiped some of the tears.

"Who did this to you?" Harry asked. And it was only then that guilt struck Harry. He could have avoided his brother this pain, but instead, he was at home.

"Marcel, please." Harry pleaded. He hated seeing his brother this way. Marcel sniffled and nodded. He took a deep breath before face Harry once more.

"When I had gotten to school, everything was calm and the day was going normal until I had the class that Niall's in. He was giving me the most creepy smiles and when I had past by him to my seat, he said that he had a treat for me after school and to meet him by my car. I was beyond scared of what it was, but he warned me that if I didn't show up, that the treat would be worse." Marcel chocked out another sob and Harry hugged him.

At this point, Harry was beyond pissed at the blonde. Marcel then calmed down for a bit and then continued. "And when after school came, I was walking to my car and when I got to it, there in red paint, was written 'brother of a rapist'. He was no where in sight, but when I turned around to check the building, a punch flew in my direction. He punched me a couple times in the stomach and only twice in the face. He had sinister look of his face. And before he left, he warned me to watch my back." Harry upon hearing his brother confession, was seen red. He hate the fact that Niall had the nerve to touch Marcel.

"But of it all, there was one thing that stuck with me." Marcel said with curiosity laced in his voice. Harry felt nervous with what Marcel was referring to.

"And what is that?" Harry replied nervously.

"What he had written on my car. 'Brother of rapist'. I had ran away after Niall left and I left my car back at the school's parking lot."


"What did he mean by that Harry? Please tell me why he wrote that." Marcel pleaded. Harry looked away and removed all physical contact with Marcel.

"H-Harry?" Marcel whispered desperately. He needed to know that what Niall had written wasn't true. He wanted to know what had happened between the two.

"W-Why would h-he call you... a rapist? What exactly h-happened between you t-two?" Marcel stuttered. Harry felt like he was being stabbed in the chest.

"Harry, please..."

"I, um..."

"You what? Tell me."

"I... I raped him, that's why he's calling me a rapist."  

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