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Once Marcel and Daniel had heard their brothers' voices, they had walked further in the forest and were still walking a bit fast and trying to get away from the two boys that were now now calling out their names.

"I don't want to be anywhere near Niall." Daniel whispered and Marcel wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "Don't worry about that, he won't get near you. We're going to be too far for them to find." Marcel said and Daniel smiled softly up to him.

They kept walking until there wasn't any sound from their twins and soon decided to take a break and regain their strength. "Marcel, were exactly are we going?" Daniel asked. Marcel thought about it and realized that they didn't exactly have a place to go.

"Honestly Daniel, I don't even know. At that moment i wasn't exactly thinking." Marcel said and Daniel hugged him. He buried his face in Marcel's neck and Marcel did the same as they both hugged each other.

They really wanted to just be friends and be open about that and not have their brothers bugging them about it. "I'm tired." Daniel whispered and Marcel lifted his head from Daniel's neck and looked around.

"Over here. I think the cave I know is close by." Marcel said and pulled away from their embrace and interlocked their fingers. He led the way towards the cave and once getting close to it, they heard something coming from the bushes near by.

They stopped and soon it was their twins that came into view. Marcel's and Daniel's eyes widened and went to run towards the direction they came from but, were stopped by a pair of arms grabbing them.

"Let us go!" Marcel yelled and struggled to get away from Harry. "Quit thrashing!" Harry hissed and tightened his grip. Marcel struggled but didn't give up. He looked over at Daniel and saw how he, as well, was struggling to get away from Niall.

"Niall let me go! I don't want to be anywhere near you!" Daniel yelled. Marcel noticed how Niall momentarily closed his eyes and then let go of Daniel. Daniel quickly ran towards Marcel and Harry. "Let him go!" Daniel screamed.

Harry ignored him and kept holding Marcel. Marcel struggled to set himself free but eventually, after hitting Harry in the crotch, he was free from Harry's hold. Both twins ran to each other and hugged each other tightly.

Seeing all of this angered the other twins and went to separate them but once seeing that no matter how hard they tried, they would still end up hugging each other. "Daniel, please, get away from him. He's just going to hurt you!" Niall plead and it surprised the rest.

Daniel looked at him and shook his head. "Never. I want to be with him and I want him to be my friend." Daniel said and buried his face in Marcel's neck. Niall glared at his twin for he knew damn well that Daniel didn't only want Marcel as his friend. He wanted more and that reminded him so much of himself.

"Get away from him." Niall said coldly. Daniel once again shook his head. "I said to get away from him Daniel. Now." Niall said awfully calm. It was starting to scare Marcel and Harry.

"I said now!" Niall yelled making Daniel flinch and hold on tighter to Marcel. Niall had enough of Daniel and made his way towards the two and with one swift move, he peeled Daniel off and then in front of the other twins, he slapped Daniel.

Daniel stared at Niall in fear but Niall seemed to be to cold hearted to realize what he had done and simply grabbed his twin's wrist and squeezed it —making Daniel whimper in pain. "Let's go." Niall said awfully calm once again and then both of their figures disappeared.

Marcel wanted to go after them but Harry prevented that. In the end he stopped and turned to glare at Harry. "I wish you weren't my brother. I wish I had another brother that understood this and let me at least have a friend for the first time." Marcel said coldly and then walked away from Harry.

Harry stood there stunned for a couple of minutes before following his twin out of the forest.

Quit It • Styles/Horan twinsWhere stories live. Discover now