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Things for Marcel were good and bad. Yes, he did get in trouble for ditching school but it was nearly something minimal. He was just grounded. He kept the fact that he and Daniel were dating form his mum and specially Harry. He didn't want Harry finding out about them. He was happy though. With his new boyfriend, which made him super happy, he was happier than he ever was and his mum seemed to have noticed.

"What is up with you Marcel. You seem a little extra happy today." His mum said and he giggled. He wanted to tell her why he was but decided against it. "Oh.. I don't know, I just feel happy today." He said instead. His mum seemed a bit suspicious but he assured her that it was that and she let him be. He finished his breakfast and then went to brush his teeth and on his way back down, he encountered his brother.

Marcel simply ignored him but noticed the frown that appeared on his lips. He did feel bad for causing his twin pain but it was nothing compared to what he had done to Marcel. He sighed and then grabbed his keys and headed out. After saying goodbye to his mum of course.

As he drove to school, he couldn't wait to see Daniel. He wanted to hug his new boyfriend. Just saying the word boyfriend made Marcel all giddy and bubbly in the inside. He kept thinking of Daniel that he didn't notice the time fly by and him arriving at the school parking lot. He parked his car in his usual spot and turned off the engine.

He got down from his car and made his way inside the school building. He walked down the hall to his locker and looked around for Daniel. He furrowed his eyebrows and kept searching. "Looking for someone?" He snapped his head towards the voice and once doing so, he saw that it was Niall. He noticed his blank expression and it was creeping him out. "Um...y-yes." Marcel replied and Niall smirked.

"Well you're not going to find him." Niall said coldly and then walked away. Marcel watched as Niall's figure retreated and then walked to his class. he wondered what Niall could've meant. But on his way to class he pulled out his phone and quickly walked in a bathroom near by and dialed Daniel's number.

You have been blocked from contacting this number.

Marcel couldn't believe that Daniel had blocked him. They had just gotten together not so long ago, maybe two/three days, and Daniel blocked him. He felt tears swell up in his eyes but refused to let them run. He choked them down and went to class.

But of course, this had changed his whole mood. From being really excited to then suddenly all sad. He wanted to see his boyfriend and now he didn't get to and found out that Daniel had blocked him. He was truly hurt now. For the rest of the day he couldn't focus and all that he wanted to do was cry.

And Harry might have or might have not noticed the sudden mood change in his twin. But as Marcel cried, Niall smiled and was in a better mood. He thought back to what he had done and was happy.

Niall was in the end satisfied. He knew how hurt Marcel was for, he had seen him throughout the day and knew about what exactly was going on. He smiled to himself as he felt proud of doing so.

"I hate you... I really do..."

"No you don't Daniel. You're just mad at the moment but you'll thank me later you'll see." Niall said as he walked off with Daniel's phone and with a rather mischievous smirk dancing on his lips.


So.... What the heck was that?!? To be truly honest, I don't even know myself... It just came to me...

But anyways... I missed you guys!!! I missed writing so much... You have no idea... And I finally get a chance to update! ^-^

I'm so happy.

Anyhoran, what do you guys think so far? I'm starting to get a bit iffy about this one but with the new material that I have for it, it's not so boring... Well, I hope at least..

But yeah... Anyways, love you guys! Your THE BEST!!! Thanks so much for the votes and reads and comments! I love you so much! ❤️

Anywho.. Bye! :*

P.s. sorry it's short.. /-\

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