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Marcel wanted to know where Daniel was and what exactly was going on with him. He couldn't believe the Daniel had blocked him. He wondered why his boyfriend didn't want to talk to him or why he simply blocked him. Marcel hated when something would happen and not know what caused it. He hated it very much.

But something told him that Niall might have been involved with his disappearance. Something about the blonde being extremely happy was something suspicious to him.

Marcel sighed and laid back on his bed. He was really worried about what he had done wrong but his gut told him that he didn't do anything and that it was all a miss understanding.

He tried to think back at the pervious night that he had been talking to Daniel and he seemed to be fine. Nothing was going on with the pair.

Marcel sighed once more and then flinched when he heard his phone go off. His eyebrows furrowed on confusion and picked it up. He saw it was Daniel and quickly answered.

"Daniel, are you okay? Why--"

"I'm fine Marcy. I just simply wasn't feeling good... And I um, I need to t-talk to you. It's important so do you think that you can meet me a-at our usual spot?" Daniel said on the other line and Marcel was even more confused.

"Alright. See you--" Marcel was cut off by the line going dead. He didn't know what to think at that moment and he simply threw on his shoes and then made his way towards the place where Marcel and him would usually hang out when needing to escape their brothers.

Marcel was nervous yet excited to see his boyfriend. He debated in whether he should take his car or just walk. In the end, he decided to walk. He didn't want to get there so quick so he walked in a good pace. He wondered what Daniel needed to tell him.

He chewed on his lip and his hands were getting sweaty. And before he knew it, he was right across the park. He took a deep breath before crossing the street and walking up to where the little creek was. And once getting to the place, Daniel was there staring at the little animals in the creek.

"Danny?" Marcel spoke and Daniel looked up at him with pained eyes. Marcel worried instantly and walked over to where he was sitting and kneeled down in front of Daniel. "Marcy, I--" Daniel started and stood up and took a few steps away from Marcel.

Marcel felt a lump form in his throat and stood up. "Marcel, I-I think w-we should b-break up." Daniel stuttered out and Marcel felt himself break. He shook his head. He didn't  want to believe what Daniel was saying. "Danny... please..." Marcel whispered and Daniel's eyes glazed over with tears as he saw how hurt Marcel looked.

"I'm sorry Marcel. I don't think we can continue this... I know we just started and I'm really sorry, but this can't continue. And please don't go looking for me or try to talk to me..." Daniel said and wiped a few tears that were slowly falling down his cheeks. He swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. Marcel let out small sobs but didn't say anything.

He was simply clutching his chest from where he was sitting on the ground. "I'm really sorry Marcel..." Daniel said and then walked away. When Marcel heard that Daniel walked away, his sobs got louder and the pain he was feeling was something he didn't want.

He had dealt with this pain before and he hated that he had let this happen once more. He had seriously thought that he could have trusted Daniel but that was proven wrong to him. Marcel sobbed even more and he didn't know if he could go through this once again.

He kept trying to calm himself down but it hurt too much. The way that he had said it and the fact that he didn't cry or get as emotional as him, really got him thinking if Daniel even liked him.

He wondered if Daniel was just playing with him and he thought that this was all a game. He wanted to know the reason behind this break up and why he cut things off when they had just started dating.

He had so many questioned that he wanted answers from and he was determined to figure them out and make Daniel explain all this to him. After all, he knew that there had been something else that might have convinced him to break up with Marcel and Marcel was going to figured it out one way or another.

But as Marcel was swallowed by his sorrow and his tears were nonstop, Niall seemed to have a permanent smile on his face. He was finally getting what he wanted and he was making it happen.

"I hate you Niall... Why can't you just leave me to be happy!"

"Shh... It's okay Danny, it'll all be okay. You'll forget about him and move on. Besides, he'll get over it and find someone else. I'm just preventing a worst heartbreak."

"But I want to be with him! I don't care if I get hurt! I just want to be with Marcel!"

"Shut up! It's over now. There's nothing you can do Daniel. Oh and by the way, don't talk to him. You might have or might have not told him to not talk to you or try to look for you." Niall said and smirked.

"You monster!" Daniel yelled.

Niall simply smiled and walked out of the room where he kept his brother. He walked into another room and saw his reflection. He smiled as he checked himself out.

"I make a nice Daniel."



Idk what was that.... Anyways, hi! How are you guys? I finally got to update this and I want to say that I might do this as a short story. Idk yet. But we'll see.

Anyways, omg thank you guys for the 4K reads!! I love you guys so much! I never thought it would get this far honestly. Cx

But yeah...

What do you guys think about the 'break up'?

Honestly, it was hard to write this cause I ship Darcel so hard... It's adorable... But anyways, I love you. Bye! ☺️😘💕

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