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"What?" Marcel choked out. Harry had buried his face in his hand after wanting to reach out to Marcel, but having him move away from him.

"I wasn't fully aware of what I was doing and I-"

"I can't believe you would ever do that to someone!"

"Marcel, please, just listen." Harry pleaded and he didn't wait for Marcel to answer.

"I was at a party and I had been drunk off my ass and I wasn't conscious of what I was doing. And before I knew it, I had raped him. And it was a mistake. A horrible mistake that I wish I could take back. It wasn't that long ago that I figured it out myself. It was two years ago that this happened, so I didn't recognize Niall." Harry finished and looked at Marcel. He was searching for his brother's eyes.

Marcel shook his head and got up from the bed. "I can't believe... Everything makes sense now. Because of your foolishness, he took my Daniel away and is now targeting me!" He sneered. Harry couldn't bare the look that Marcel was giving him.

"Marcel, please, just--"

"Shut up! Maybe if you would have kept it in your pants, none of this would have happened!" Marcel yelled before storming out of the room. Harry wanted to follow him, but something was holding him back.

So he stood there in Marcel's room and tried to process what had just happened. He looked outside the window and wondered where Marcel had headed too.

And once remembering, he quickly made his way down the stairs and out of the house. But even on his way out, he had realized that his mom was nowhere to be found.

He wondered where she was, but then brushed it off as he set off after Marcel. He ran towards the park and not once did he stop to take a breath. Only once reaching the park, did he walk.

He walked in the direction of where the creek was located and once stepping in the clearing of where Marcel would usually be, he was shocked to see that Marcel wasn't alone.

Next to him was Niall, who had a grin plastered on his lips. "Aw, cute. The Harry Styles actually has feelings. I bet you were going to beg Marcel to forgive you or something." Nail spoke. Marcel had tear stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes. And when Harry made eye contact with him, he looked away.

"What do you want, Niall." Harry choked out. Niall chuckled. He wasn't going to answer Harry's question and that was clear to everyone.

Niall then grabbed Marcel's arm forcefully and Marcel's eyes widened. "Let him go!" Harry growled and took a couple steps forward.

"Uh uh, take another step, and I'll make sure to blow off his head." Niall said and retrieved a gun from the waistband of his jeans. Harry's eyes widened and Marcel choked out a sob.

The two twins didn't know what was going on. "Niall, please, just let go of--" Harry was interrupted by Niall's laugh. Harry swallowed as Niall threw an arm around Marcel's shoulders and pulled him closer.

"How the tables have turned. I still remember the night where I was begging you to stop. And you didn't listen. Now it's my turn to ignore your pleas and keep doing what I was going to do." Niall said and kissed Marcel's temple.

Marcel let out choked sobs and was trying to get away from Niall. He didn't want to be near the lad. "Now, if there isn't going to anymore interruptions, all I'm going to say is, to simply say goodbye to one another." Niall said and both twin's eyes widened.

Harry started to panic and took a step forward. Niall was quick to react and he placed the gun on Marcel's temple and tightened the hold he had on Marcel's shoulders.

He was making it difficult for Marcel to breathe. "I'm going to warn you one more time, Styles! Take another fucking step forward and he dies!" Niall snapped.

He froze on his spot and he looked into Marcel's teary eyes. He didn't want to loose his brother. "Please, Niall--"

"Shut the fuck up!" Niall yelled. Marcel choked out another sob and Niall simply rolled his yes. "No wonder you and my poor excuse of a brother get along so well. You're both so weak and pathetic." Niall said.

And upon hearing this, Marcel wondered what had Niall done to him. "Anyways, we have to go." Niall said and motioned to someone behind Harry. Marcel gasped as a man appeared and without a second thought, swung a bat at Harry's head.

Hitting him hard enough to make him unconscious. Marcel shrieked and squirmed in Niall's hold. He wanted to reach out for Harry, but Niall wasn't letting him.

And it wasn't long before they chloroformed the other twin and carried his body out of the hidden place.

"Take Marcel to where Daniel is, but put him in a different room. I'll deal with this one." Niall said to the man and looked back at where Harry was unconscious.

Niall sighed and looked away from the place. He walked to his car and drove to nowhere in particular.

While on his drive around the neighborhood, he was thinking of ways on how to make Harry pay for what he had done. He didn't feel any mercy for all the pain that the three boys were suffering.

Nothing compared to the nightmares and sleepless nights that he had. Also the self hatred for feeling so used and dirty.

And all these memories only fueled Niall more. He goes back to how life used to be perfect for him before Harry appeared. He wanted that life back, but there wasn't any way to bring that back.

And as he drove back to where Harry was to check if he was awake, he knew exactly what to do.   

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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