Some women become the Fire

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It was almost sunrise when the faint smell of smoke reached my nose and started to burn my lungs, the usual heat coming from my loyal furred family was missing, instead I was engulfed by an unnatural one.

After 21 years living in the forest, you start to notice the smallest of things, like how every night, before the sunrise, the flames you had woken up would have died, so it was a surprise to feel them still around me.

Something was off, however, the heat was just too strong, it wasn't the normal one that would come from a small fire pit, or a bonfire, it was majestic, like I was involved in fire.

This thought made my eyes snap open, silver eyes turning golden as they met the orange glow coming from the flames. It wasn't coming from my small fire pit, but from the big castle that stood not too far from my cavern.

The pack of wolves stood in front of the giant rock that covered the entrance, their ears flickering, probably hearing way more than I did, and I was for the first time grateful for not having the enhanced hearing.

They looked at me once they noticed the movement and stood up, circling my rigid body as I carefully took my weapons and started to leave the hidden place.

My bright eyes unfocused, looking around us for any possible threat, before we made our way to the castle. The usually comforting crackle of the fire was now something dreadful for me, almost unnoticeable when it crashed with the deafening screams of terror and pain.

My wolves stood closer to my body, their long fur softly rubbing against my leather pants, while my hands firmly holding a sword.

"Nyx, tar liom. Eris, fan ar garda. Maraíonn Amaruq agus Aztec gach duine nach n-aithníonn tú" (Nyx, come with me. Eris, stay on guard. Amaruq and Aztec, kill everyone that you don't recognize)

The Irish command left my mouth without much thought and the 4 wolves quickly followed my steps, Amaruq and Aztec on the extreme sides, biting any hunter that came at us while I finished them with a flick of the sharp dagger that I was, now, holding between my teeth.

Circle members

I could see the red runes on their lifeless bodies as we passed by them.

The two females were very cautious, growling every time they noticed something strange as we continued inside the castle, trotting by a secret passage that would take us to our destination.

The princess' room.

Blood started to cover my pack's fur as well as my skin and clothes, there were bodies everywhere, mostly dead because of the fire, but you could see some swords sticking out of the others.

It was obvious that it wasn't an accidental fire, we were attacked by rogue shadowhunters and suffered the losses, the future of our people was dead with them, I doubted many had survived and after hearing that the royal family had fallen, their hopes would soon die too.

Our only strategy would be to protect the princess, she was the only hope of regaining the power over the Seelies. There was no chance for the queen or the king to be alive, not when they were the real target of whoever was involved in this, which would probably be Valentine.

Why do I think that the princess has a shot at being alive? Considering how the little pest got my affection, the 8 years old child had asked me to do a secret place for her to play in her room, claiming that she wanted a cavern like mine.

The door was hidden inside the bathroom's cabinet and took her to a room that once locked, could only be opened from the inside.

Believe me when I say it can only be opened from the inside, the little kid would play pranks on me and run to the secret room on daily basis, so I had my fair share of tries in getting that damn door to open and failed.

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