They got it

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"Simon too"

The fake ginger froze in her steps before she turned back to the shadowhunters with a frown.

"Then help me! While we consider our options my best friend is suffering, is that something shadowhunters understand or am I just being a mundane?"

Nate was sitting on a chair with his feet on the table and eyes glued on his phone, no messages from Morgana.

He was growing more and more worried as the seconds passed.

What if they had caught her?

What if she was capture? Or worse, dead?

Feeling eyes on him, the brunette looked up and saw the concerning face from his twin, giving her a small shake of his head to show her that Mora still hadn't answered before he turned his attention back on the conversation.

"They made the first move. We're gonna take care of this ourselves right now"

Jace had told them, his eyes looking at his parabatai then at Nate as if searching for his approval.

"This is a bad idea" Alec replied, shaking his head and the twins shared a look.

"You have a better one? Look, the vamps broke the accords. They kidnapped a mundie, that's a big no-no. The clave will give us a lecture and then will be glad we did it"

Izzy bit the inside of her cheek before she nodded at the blonde's words "Hard to argue with that" giving her twin a pleading look, to which he nodded, knowing that if they didn't go she would be feeling guilty for leaving the mundane alone.

"Belle and I can find a better access to the hotel, you'll need to find a way to get weapons without being noticed" Nate muttered, getting the attention of the group.

"Since our weapons are always with us, we will be fine" Izzy finished, making him nod. "Besides we are way better distraction than y'all"

Nate smirked as his twin winked at him, both of them turning to look at Alec, who was contemplating the idea.

"The hotel has the windows closed 24/7 if you manage to get rid of them, we can have more safety areas inside" Nate told Alec, placing his hands up as if he was holding a bow, making his older brother nod in understanding.

"I know where to get the weapons" Jace told the rest of the group, giving a silent look of appreciation towards the twins, knowing that they had his back.

"Come on, Iz... be careful, brothers, just because we are winning doesn't mean we have won" Nate told them seriously, clapping their shoulders before he started to walk away.

"Don't fuck it up, brothers!" Izzy shouted as she followed beside Nate, waving back at them with a charming smirk.

The twins walked in a place only known by them, in the middle of the woods. Watching the green grass and the way the animals seemed pacific around the area, before a white portal was created and they walked inside.

"I'll see Meliorn, will you go to little Amara?" Izzy questioned her twin with a small smile, making him turn to look at her while nodding.

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