Ignoranus: A person who is both stupid and an asshole

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Clary was an inconvenient little shit. That was Nathaniel's thought when the ginger decided that she could barge into his room as if she owned the place.

"Nate, I need to talk to you about-"

He had just left the bathroom with Morgana, a towel wrapped around his waist as another was wrapped around her chest area, both incredibly jumpy when they suddenly noticed the female entering the room.

Clary was slammed against the wall by his fiancée, who was as usual the one to react faster between the two, with her arm pressed tightly against the new girl's neck as she turned white because of the lack of oxygen.

Nate had merely smirked at Clary's panicked face, walking closer to his fiancée as he stood behind her back, wrapping his arms around her waist with his chin on her shoulder.

"What are you doing here?"

Despite the situation in hand, Morgana's voice was even, like always, her face blank of emotions as she kept the daughter of Valentine held captive by her hands.

Clary stammered, trying desperately to give them an answer that would be considered good enough to them let go, but due to the arm pressed against her neck, her words were not understood by the couple, making Nate chuckle.

"I believe she can't talk with your arm on her neck, love"

A frown was visible on Morgana's face, but she nodded silently, taking a step back as Clary gasped, taking as much air she could while placing her hands on the bruised skin of her neck.

Staring back and forth between the couple, Clary cleared her throat before she recomposed herself, directing her gaze towards the shadowhunter as she promptly avoided the predatory gaze of the huntress.

"Can I talk to you?... Alone?"


Nate had been quick to answer, his eyes glaring darkly at her as he started to wonder what was her plan.

Was it intentional or was she really oblivious?

Barging into his room as if she did that everyday and then demanding for his fiancée to leave so they could talk alone?

Morgana kept her face emotionless, but that was a bloody disrespect towards her. He knew that he would have broken someone's face if the tables had turned and someone had suddenly entered her room telling him to leave.

Clary kissed her teeth, barely hiding her displeasure as she looked back at the seelie huntress.

"It's shadowhunter matter"

"Then you'll call the others for a meeting and explain everything at the proper place, not at my room, where you're clearly not invited and not with only myself here"

Hesitantly nodding, the orange haired girl left the room, leaving the door open on her way out, making the Lightwood huff as he went to close it as he locked.

Walking back to his lover, his thumb caressed her cheek and his warm brown eyes met her cold silver ones.

Nate said nothing as he kept his eyes on hers, not backing down from her watchful stare.

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