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"Magnus Bane... He's over 300 years old and not exactly shied away from the pleasures of this century" Hodge explained as he showed them a picture of the warlock.

Turns out Clary had dreams about Sparkle and decided that he was her next clue to getting back her memories.

"His tastes are both exquisite... and quite excessive"

"He looks like the Downworld's David Guetta"

The twins smirked.

"Except that Guetta is already downworlder" they spoke at the same time, making Clary look wide eyed at them.

"Vampire" Nate continued "Have you seen him in the daylight?" Izzy explained.

"Focus, this is not a joke" Alec cut off the conversation, his face serious as he looked at the screen showing Magnus.

"Alec is right, Magnus is one of the most powerful warlocks I've ever known. He has a deep mistrust of Shadowhunters" Hodge told them, making Nate's smirk widen as he flipped his dagger in his hand.

"I wonder why"

"Well then why would he help my mom remove my memories? Isn't she a shadowhunter?" Clary questioned with a frown.

"Yes, one of the best"

"Is she?" Jace asked, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at his trainer "The four of us wouldn't have any problem in dealing with two circle members" the blonde continued as he pointed at the twins and his parabatai.

Hodge sighed, turning back to Clary who was observing Jace with calculating eyes "Help might not be the most accurate word. Your mother must have paid handsomely for his magic"

"Word of the Clave is that most of the Warlocks have gone into hiding since Valentine began hunting them" Alec commented.

"So how do we find Magnus?" Clary asked the group, making the twins grin.

"You just lost his best friend, better luck next time" Nathaniel answered, making the others look at him with arched eyebrows.

"What? What are you talking about?" Clarissa demanded as she walked closer to the side where the twins were, making Izzy tilt her head to the side as she looked up in boredom at the girl.

"Mora, obviously, but since you've been so acceptable with her here, I doubt she'll talk him into talking to us" Izzy answered, looking down at her newly painted nails as the others gave her different looks.

"Well, it's easy then, tell her to bring Magnus here" Clary demanded from the twins, making the duo scoff loudly as they glared at her.

"What part of 'fiancée' did you not understand?" Nate hissed at the ginger, standing up as he towered over her "I won't order her around, not for the Clave and certainly not for you"

"We will set up a meeting, somewhere protected, I heard there's a downworlder rave tonight, we just need someway in" Jace told them before his brother could rip Chucky's head off her body.

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