Your shadow is mine

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"They have promised that dreams can come true, but forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams, too"

"They have promised that dreams can come true, but forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams, too"

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"I was 'bout to say this isn't fair, ya know..." Mora started, her Irish accent strong as always, pointing her finger at her wolves who stood out of the fight as she looked down at the big sharks, before a smirk rose on her naturally red lips "but I guess you'll need them more than me"

She had trained, a lot, both with Amara and Magnus to gain control over her Seelie powers, but it was not a matter to learn in a year, much less a few weeks.

Nonetheless, she had improved.

Mora was a natural, she had already heard the whispers around the Seelie court, she was the first daughter of the King after all.

Despite the barriers, the Seelies and the family shivered as the temperature started to fall rapidly. Looking around in hopes of finding out what was happening when Nate simply smirked.

"Look at the water" the command was obeyed and everyone turned to look at the water, everyone but Amara - who was not even trying to hide her proud grin as she jumped on her feet - and saw the once moving water (due to the sharks) become completely still.

Like a mirror

Nate observed his fiancée intently, watching as she looked at her reflection before she jumped down at the solid water, which had gained a white color as it started to turn into ice.

And he became a cheerleader for her.

"GO MORA!" Elbowing his twin, he didn't even bother the glare he received as he hissed "Come on, Iz"

Rolling her eyes playfully, the raven haired beauty jumped on her place, placing two fingers into her mouth as she let out a loud whistle "GET HER, MOR!"

Amara couldn't help the exaggerated movements that clearly expressed the utter betrayal she was feeling, making Jace's eyes widen as he saw the way Mora changed her gaze from the mirror of ice underneath her to the weak points of the Queen.

It was almost unnoticeable and he normally wouldn't say anything and watch his idol play, but he was feeling vengeful after the stairs.

"QUIT STARING AT YOURSELF, WITCHY!" And Mora knew he knew, and he knew she knew, and Amara knew as well, because as spikes of ice suddenly surged from the ground and attacked the place where the queen was, she was long gone, dissolving the ice underneath her feet and disappearing under the water.

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