First day with the first page

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Anara's Pov......

I am so grumpy since Dad told me that he will return after 15 days. That's apparently on my birthday. I'm so upset about it. I planned to spend more time with Dad but everything went in vain. I manage to pretend to be okay with it so that Dad won't worry about me.

I have this empty feeling without Dad in this house even my Granny's full caring mode is on. She usually cares a lot and this time because of Dad's small talk about me with her, she becomes a little more strict than usual. She doesn't allow me to go out after I have come from school. I promised Dad that I would be polite. So, I tried to convince her that I would return home before my curfew. Yet, she doesn't allow me. Besides, she started ranting about our generation. What in the world she's thinking that girls should stay indoors after six? For God's sake, We are in the 21st century and I'm just thirteen. When can I explore this world if it's not now!! If it was Dad in her place, he would've gladly allowed me to go out and have fun without any hesitation. I miss him a lot.

I text my neighborhood friends that I'm not coming and plop on my bed. As I'm in no mood to do homework, I stare at the ceiling thinking about Dad and his words. That reminds me of the diary. He told me to complete reading it before my birthday. I jumped out of my bed and started searching for it. I search every corner of my room but it is nowhere to be found.

Uffff! How can I be so reckless? No doubt that Granny calls me irresponsible.

I threw everything that came in my hand while searching and that resulted in a huge sound from my room.

"What's that sound little girl?" Granny yells from downstairs.

"It's nothing, Daadi. I'm searching for a diary," I answer her yelling.

"Do you want me to help you?" She asks.

Oh no!! If she came and saw my untidy room, then she would again start her boring and never-ending lecture.

"No thanks. I will search for it myself" I tell her.

Where might have I kept it? I recall the incidents from the very start when dad handed me the box and that reminds me how important it was for Dad 'Ani, it's not a normal diary. It's very important and special to me'

We have this talk on the couch. Yes! It would definitely be there. I sprint downstairs and see that Granny is sitting on the couch knitting something. Urgh! Why won't she sit somewhere else?

"Do you want anything to eat, little girl?" She asks me. "Daadiiii.... Firstly, I'm not a little girl. I have grown up. So, don't call me that. Secondly, I have drunk a big glass of milk given by you not more than 10 minutes ago. How can I get hungry again?" she chuckles.

I hate milk but Granny always compels me to drink it so that I would become as tall as my dad.

Anyway, now, how can I ask her to get up from there? "Did you find the thing you're searching for?" She asked me and I got an idea.

"Ahhhh!! There is a lizard behind you daadi" I scream. "It's just a lizard little girl, not a snake and what have you said before, I have grown up and I'm not a little girl. Blah Blah.. Do grown-up girls are afraid of lizards?" She mocks me and I roll my eyes. Who am I kidding? Don't. Ever. Mess. With. My. Granny. And no tactics will work on her. So, I sat beside her and asked her "What are you stitching anyway?" She looks at me amused "When do you start paying attention to me?" I giggle at that.

She's right. I was never being friendly with her whenever she arrived home and I felt bad for it. "Just now," I tell her. "I am preparing a sweater for my little girl as it's very cold here," she says and pinches my cheeks. I wince and rub my cheek. How sweet!! She cares about me just like my Dad. After all, she's the mother of my Dad.

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