Part 20

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Louis POV

"I'll have PR kill the story tomorrow morning. I'll also call our lawyers to see if there's any way Brianna could somehow get custody. I don't think she can though" I told Harry.

"That's a good idea Lou. For now let's go celebrate Cassidy's recording. We are leaving for tour soon so let's enjoy the less crazy life a little longer" Harry responded.

"I feel like we should be concerned that this is our less crazy life," I responded.

I grabbed his hand and we went to join the others.

The next day

I just got off the phone with my lawyers. I was on the phone for 4 hours. It is now 10 o'clock at night and all the kids are in bed. I now have to fill Harry in on everything. And on top of all this Cassidy's song comes out next week. Which is amazing but we have so much going on. Next week Cassidy's song is coming out, our family is leaving, and we are leaving for our world tour of Made In The AM.

"Hazza, I just got off the phone" he nodded. "They said she can't do anything because legally he's ours. Unless Freddie wants her to get custody. Which he has said multiple times he doesn't want, so I'm not going to ask him again but if he changes his mind ever I'll let him see her" I started to dry the dishes Harry was washing while I was talking.

"Okay good. Is she allowed to keep showing up?" He asked.

"We just won't let her through the gates. I already told Paul. If we see her in public walk the other way" I responded.

"What about the interview damage control?" he asked. I knew he was going to have a million questions.

"I was going to post something on Instagram with Freddie and just say something like please respect our privacy and don't believe everything you see on social media" I answered.

He came over and kissed me against the counter. It was the most heated kiss we have had in the middle of the kitchen since before the kids. While gasping for air I slowly help take his shirt off. He started to discard mine when we heard gasping noises coming from the kitchen doorway. It was Lottie and Gemma.

"Sorry didn't mean to interrupt. We'll just go back upstairs and pretend we saw nothing" Lottie said quickly. She was definitely trying not to laugh.

"No we won't, I'm hungry" Gemma stated.

I handed Harry back his shirt. They ruined all my fun for tonight.

"Don't tell the kids.... or mum" Harry said, face still red from embarrassment.

We all started laughing.

"Hazza we've been married for 15 years and are 35 she will not be the slightest bit surprised. Plus we also have 3 kids. Where does she think they come from?" I reminded him.

"We got a surrogate because it's not safe for us to have children ourselves" Harry pointed out.

Harry and I could've had our kids biologically because Harry has the gene to carry children. He was just too scared to get a c-section which is understandable. Technically it is safe for us to have a child but Harry was just scared. Now he says he could've done it but we will not be having anymore kids. Three is the perfect amount for us.

We all stayed in the kitchen talking until 4 am. Lottie and Gemma were pretty tipsy from all the wine and whatever other alcoholic beverages they were drinking. I only had 2 beers because Harry said he didn't want to take care of me if I got drunk. Harry was completely sober and didn't drink anything but water.

A/N I am so sorry for not updating. Thank you for being so patient. I have a longer chapter to put out tomorrow. I wrote this chapter but it was so long I broke it into 3 parts. Thank for all the nice comments and enjoying my book. They truly made my day.

So sorry this is so short I just didn't want to put out a chapter that was super long to read.

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