Chapter 21

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Laura's POV
Still here in the states and working on the wedding. It sucks that I'm stuck here with my mom and I know that even though I don't like Matthew and I'm asking why isn't here ? I mean he's the groom and I'm gonna be obviously the bride and its our wedding. He's just not showing support to it. I'm not saying that I like him and I seriously don't want to marry him and it's unfair.
Well in other news I really want to talk to Ross. It's like I want him back but at the same time no. I just need to set an "appointment" with him about the food for the wedding. It's actually not a meeting about the wedding but it's something else.

Laura: Marcus !

Marcus: Yes Madame ?

Laura: Could you please tell Ross I'll be coming over at his new restaurant downtown ?

Marcus: Of course Madame.

Laura: Thanks

• • •

Marcus: Madame, Mr.Lynch said he's available about 12:00 to 2:00 pm.

Laura: Perfect. Well what time is it ?

Marcus: Already 11:30.

Laura: Could you tell Joe we'll leave by 11:40 ? I just need to get ready.

Marcus: Sure.

•After 10 minutes•

Marcus: Princess !

Laura: Coming !

Marcus: Joe's waiting outside.

Laura: I'm here. I'm here now. So where's Joe ?

Marcus: Uh outside already.

Laura: Thank you Marcus.

• • •

I arrived at Ross' Restaurant and it's not yet open. They still don't have tables and chairs also haven't figured out the name of the restaurant and the lights and the air conditioner. I walked to his office and he's sitting down on his spinning chair looking very bored.

Ross: (stands up) Oh Laura. You have arrived.

Laura: Yeah. So why are you alone here ? Aren't your workers supposed to be here connecting the lights ?

Ross: Well first things first not to be rude why are you here ? And second of all they are in day off today and I'm the only one left so I'll "try" to work on the lights.

Laura: Oh do you need help ?

Ross:You're a girl.

Laura: And what does that suppose to mean ?

Ross: It's just that you can't do the things.

Laura: So you're saying I'm weak ?

Ross: I didn't say that.

Laura: Well you implied it.

Ross: I didn't say that either ?

Laura: Come on please ! Just for now !

Ross: One condition.

Laura: What do you want ?

Ross: Just sit down.You're not helping. I can't risk you getting hurt.

Laura: Wow. Look who just cared about someone ? Oh is it Mr. Ross Lynch ?

Ross: Stop it. Come on. Leave or Sit.

Laura: Fine. I'll sit down.

Ross: Okay. I have to go to my house and get some clothes. Wanna go ?

Laura: No thanks, I'm fine here. I'll guard the restaurant for you.

Ross: Okay. I'll be back in a minute.

Laura: Sure. you should go now.

• • •

Laura's POV
I really wanted to come with him but I had a better plan to get him back and maybe a little of seducing him. It was great that I brought extra clothes in case and it's bizarre that I have extra clothes. It's like I'm a little kid who always need to bring clothes if they're sweaty. But that's not the thing. My mother said bring clothes every time you leave because you'd never know if you want to leave. It was very annoying because it makes my bag heavier than it really is. But the clothes are a good use right now. So I gotta a thin white tank top and it's weird that Sofia, my assistant gave me a booty shorts and it's freaking short. I mean it's a short but it looks like jean panties. But I'll be "working" with Ross. He should get ready 😏.

• • •

Ross: Laura I'm back.

And Let The Games Begin.


Hello Everyone. So thank you for the reads and votes ! Kindly please vote for Ross,Laura and Austin and Ally to win KCAs.

Till the next chapter !


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