Chapter 27

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Laura's POV
This the part of the ceremony that I wasn't very looking forward too. It's just when the boy says lovey dovey sloppy vows. But in my case I'm expecting Matthew's vow is , How do I say this ? Um I feel like it's gonna be the opposite of the lovey dovey sloppy vows.

I'm also part of this wedding and I also need to prepare a vow. So few weeks ago My Mother asked me to write my vow for Matthew. Just the thought of it just grosses me. I don't know what to say to him. I don't even love this guy !
What I'll say " Oh I've waited for this my whole life and I'm finally actually marrying the man of my dreams !!!" Pleh. That's just nasty.

I started writing a draft for the vow. And it said

"Thank you for agreeing to do this. I'm just thinking the future of my country. I love your dog ? Can't wait what life gives us. Yay."

I showed that to my mom and she was very displeased.

Ellen: What the hell is this ?

Laura: The vow that you asked for.

Ellen: Laura this isn't a vow at all. Do you even know what a vow is ?

Laura: A stupid promise which actually is difficult to be done.

Ellen: It's a solemn promise to someone important. Forget about it writing. I'll make someone do it for you.

So my mother has decided to give me a script to what to say. Which is ridiculous and my vow is way much better than what she has provided.

Matthew: Before these witnesses
I solemnly and sincerely declare
That I ,Matthew
Accept you, Laura

He pauses and slowly pulls up his sleeves and I see that something was written down.

Matthew: As my lawful partner
From this day forward
I vow to lo--love you and care for you
I promise to be patient
Always honest and compassionate
I will be your best friend
Your loyal companion

Blah blah. Cha cha cha. Whatever. I don't even see any sincere in his voice. I know my vow is also scripted but I memorized it.

I'm getting distracted here with Ross and that little slut. I mean PDA people. Too much. It makes me wanna puke rotten eggs that have been eaten.

Priest: Um Ms. Marano ?

Laura: Huh ? What did you say ?

Priest: It's actually your turn.

Laura: Oh okay.

I pause for a second and look around the place. I see people staring and waiting for my response.

It feels like a lot of pressure. I never thought of my wedding like this. Different people from other countries that are invited and I have no clue.
Who the hell are these people.

Last person I look at is Ross. He looks quite concerned. I could see that he could tell how I'm feeling. He's the only person that I trust most ever in my life.

Everyone's waiting and getting impatient because I haven't said anything at all.

Laura: you excuse me for a minute ?

Ellen: (stands up) What are you doing ?

Laura: I'll be right back. (Leaves)

Ross' POV
As Laura walks out I here people gasping and whispering to one another. I feel like I know what's going on with her.

Ross: Hey Scarlett I'll be right back.

Scarlett: Where are you going ?

Ross: I'm just gonna see what happened to Laura.

Scarlett: Okay. Just bring her back here.

Ross: Sure. (Pecks her cheek)

I went out the church and I look out to see where Laura is. She's nowhere near here as I could tell. Maybe she's at the diner ? But that's too far from here. She can't run that far and she's wearing heels.

I remembered that there was a limo right in front of the door. Oh ! Maybe she made Joe drive her there.

I hop in my car and drove in really fast pace. But not too fast cause I might get a ticket. And that would take longer if I drove faster.

I got in the diner and yup I was right. I see Joe leaned against the limo and come up to him.

Ross: Hey Joe. Is Laura here ?

Joe: Oh Mr. Lynch. She said she'll stay there for about 5 minutes and she'll be right back.

Ross: Okay thank you.

• • •

I got in the diner and I see Laura on her usual spot. I walk towards her and I could tell she doesn't now I'm here.

Laura: I'm not ordering any-- Ross ?

Ross: So why have you left ?

Laura: Do we really have to talk about it right now ?

Ross: Why not ? You look so devastated.

Laura: It's just that.......

• • •

Okay I'll continue that at the next chapter and that's enough for now. I'm thinking of writing another book but not connected to this because this won't have a sequel. Whatever. See you soon !!

Bye 💕

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