Chapter 30

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Ross' POV
What the hell did I just do ? I'm f*cked up. I kissed Laura. I kissed Laura. Oh man. What happens to Scarlett ? Wait. Scarlett or Laura ? This is definitely hard. Two of the girls I love the most. Yeah I admit that I love Laura but I don't know if I love her as a friend or something more.

The problem is I've been thinking to break up with Scarlett. But I don't want to hurt her feelings. I respect both of them and I don't want to hurt anyone.

Let us see. Um. How am I gonna do this ?

Laura: Ross ?

Have I been thinking that long ?

Ross: Oh yeah ?

Laura: What are you thinking about ?

Was I that obvious. Personally I thought I looked like nothing's happening to me.

Ross: I wasn't thinking about anything. I'm fine.

Laura: Okay ?

Well that was close. I knew she would suspect something but I'm so glad she ignored it.

Ross: Do you mind if I go out ?

Laura: Where are you going ?

Ross: I'm gonna check if I could see Scarlett.I'll be right back.

Laura: Okay. I'll be here.

• • •

Laura's POV
I know for a fact that Ross was thinking of something. I just didn't want to bug him about it because if I did he still won't tell me about it.

I don't know how I'd describe what I thought and felt during that kiss with Ross. It was literally a surprise. I didn't think he will actually do that.

Well let's see. When he places his lips against mine I felt something tingly and it made me feel numb.I can't move. The kiss was fine. Nothing special about it. Um it was very casual. But a hint of lust of course. It's Ross what do you expect. It made me felt that I was floating in their with birds and butterflies surrounding me and that's probably it. That was full on detail. I explained everything that is the thing we need to know.

Someone knocked on the door. Oh maybe it's Ross.

Laura: Come in !

????: Hey Laura !

Well that's not Ross. But I'm so glad to see her.

Laura: Sarah ? Oh my gosh I missed you so much. How did you know I'm here ?

Sarah: Well you know it's all over the news. Everyone is looking for you. The world is really worried.

You may be wondering who is Sarah. She's my best friend. We've been friends since we were 5. I met her for an audition. It was a commercial. We we're auditioning for the same role. But sadly none of us got the part. Then we always end up going to the same audition. I got most of the parts because of my privileges being a princess my mother would always find a way to get me the role. We did everything together. But then she had to stay in Columbia.

She really likes helping the people who are in need. Sarah became am ambassadress of UNICEF. Children are really important to her. And yeah that's basically it. I missed her so much !!

Laura: Do you know where's my mother ?

Sarah: I haven't heard from her.

Laura: Why aren't you in Columbia ? Not that I'm complaining.

Sarah: The trip was done. And we have a new mission to do. It's somewhere in Asia. I'm not sure where yet.

Laura: So when are you leaving ?

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