Chapter 28

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Laura: It's just that...

Ross: What ?

Laura: It's hard to see the guy I love with another girl.

Ross: (sighs) Are we going through this again ?

Laura: You don't understand. (Leaves)

Ross: Hey ! Where are you going ?

Laura: Somewhere faraway from here.

Ross: STOP.

Laura: What do you want ?

Ross: I thought all you wanted to see is that I'm happy. And I'm so grateful to have Scarlett.

Laura: Of course I want you to be happy. But not with somebody else.

Ross: Laura I've tried so many things to make us work. But you didn't give me a chance to do it.

Laura: You didn't try so hard. If you love someone you'll do everything to get them back to you.

Ross: Can you just let it go ? Please for me ?

Laura: You know I'll do everything you want me to do, but except that. (Cries) And I hate how much I love you that I can't stand that I'll always need you, but I can't just let you go.

Ross: Can we talk about this later after the wedding ? Your mom has been out of her mind when you left.

Laura: (Breathes in and out) Okay. For my mom.

Ross: Are you ready to go ?

Laura: I'll meet you there.

Ross: Sure. Wait you're lying. Nope you are riding with me. I'll tell Joe to go back.

Laura: Fine. Could you carry me ? This dress is so heavy.

Ross: The car is just right around the corner. You could do it.

Laura: Please ! These heels are stabbing my toes.

Ross: Fine. Ride on my back.

Laura: No ! Carry me bridal style cause Duh ! I'm wearing a wedding gown.

Ross: Whatever you may like, your highness. (Carries her)

• • •

Laura's POV
We got back at the ceremony not that quite long and my mother as usual is so frustrated. Her cheeks were burning up, she was sweating hard and her hair is a mess.

Laura: Mother what happened ?

Ellen: Laura ! You're here ! If you leave this church again I'll tie you down on a chair.

Ross: Well that's harsh.

Ellen: Um excuse me are you part of this conversation ?

Ross: Sorry Madame. And Laura I'll go back to my chair. Talk to you later. (Leaves)

Laura: Okay bye.

Priest: I'm sorry to interrupt but are we continuing this ?

Ellen: Yes sir. Now go up there Laura.

• • •
(A/N: I do not know wedding stuff. So I'm sorry if it's wrong or anything.)

Priest: As we were saying. Let us proceed. Do you Matthew Sherwood take this woman Laura Marano as your lovely wedded wife in sickness or in health till death do you apart ?

Matthew: I do.

Priest: And do you Laura Marano take this man as your lovely wedded husband in sickness or in health till death do you apart ?

Oh crap. What do I say. This is like the most final thing. Yes or No ? I do or I don't ? For the lovely people of your country. Don't be selfish. Okay breath in, breathe out. Okay here we go again.

Laura: stop. I can't do this anymore.

Ross' POV
Oh no. Laura's gonna have a total meltdown. This is gonna be bad. I don't know how this is gonna go on. Whatever she do, don't ever make a big fool of herself. I mean this is broadcast all around the globe. Do it Laura.

Laura: Sorry Mom and Dad. This is so hard for me to do. I never wanted to be a disgrace to the family but no. I won't take the throne. I feel like I wasn't the right person. I always thought that Katie (younger sister) would do it. Even though it's a long way from now. But at least she's the rightful person to receive the tittle for being the Queen of Cambridge.

Not only I'm not deserving of this Queen stuff. I am definitely not marrying Matthew. I mean sure he is a great guy. Any girl would be lucky to have Matthew. But surely not me. We are friends but we would never like each other more than friends. My heart was always set on one person. Which would never love me back. And the girl he's dating is the luckiest woman ever. I'm talking about you Scarlett Smith.

Ross is the most amazing person ever. I'm not saying this because I've dated him before , but it's honestly true. I met Ross at the park and he helped me. He let someone homeless like me because I went to the States to get away and he was so kind to let me stay in his house. When I stayed at his house he provided everything that I needed. I never felt hungry or like feeling I'm missing things because he would be there giving everything that I need.

So what I'm saying is Love someone when you're ready. Not when you are desperate. I was one of those people who are indecisive and I need someone to do it for me. I wasn't always sure of myself. I don't even understand what's love. So Scarlett you are the most blessed person in this planet.

• • •

Ross' POV
Well that was an emotional speech. Thankfully she was able to control her feeling and as I expected Scarlett stood up and said something that I never thought she would say.

Scarlett: I am so sorry Laura. I never thought of it that way. If the only way to make this right I will break up with Ross for you. No hard feelings.I'm totally fine. (Leaves)

Ross: Babe wait !

Laura: I am so sorry Ross. I didn't mean it that way. I'll be right back.

• • •

Laura's POV
I followed Scarlett and she was walking down the sidewalk and I know she had been crying. She walked towards the other side not caring about the cars passing. It looked very dangerous and she's totally out of her mind. She doesn't know what she's doing. I ran towards her and a truck came passing by. I close my eyes held tight on Scarlett and........

Black Out.

• • •

All the Rourtney drama is just crazy. But I don't care about it. There are so many reasons in life to be happy. I don't wanna dread on something like that.

Bye 💕

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