Chapter 24

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Ross' POV
Everyday there is just something that I feel and very hard to describe what it is and it truly bothers me so much cause I can't control this feeling. It is a feeling of regret. I just hoped I never ever and I mean EVER wanted to meet Laura in the first place. Why do I have to be so nice. I should've just left her there at the sidewalk and don't mind her at all. Then I wouldn't be involved of this stupid mess. I already asked my mom about it why do I seem like I want Laura full out of my life, but at the same time she was one of the best things that ever happened to me. She's not just one of the greatest things she was the best. The incomparable person I'd ever met. She's a life changer. For both good and bad situation. She was like the best mistake I've ever made and I don't regret. Life is a crazy stupid roller coaster ride and I'm glad I took a risk to ride on it cause I learned every second,minute,hour,day,week,month and year is worth it even if I made stupid mistakes but that's how life goes.Another big topic that comes up to my mind is the fact that one kiss could literally change everything. From hate to love,black to white,cold to hot and so and so but you get the picture. How am I always the dumb one in a relationship. I can't make things right. At some point all things are in the right flow but there's always that little part that I will always and always just do that specific part incorrectly. What am I even saying. All of the things I'm saying doesn't even connect to one another. I'm a total messed up person ever. But forget those thoughts. I need things to get straight. It's now or never. I'm going there. But first let's call her.

Laura:Hello ?

Ross: Hey Laura.It's Ross.

Laura: Yeah. Why are you calling ?

Ross: Oh ! I'm just checking if everything's fine with you ?

Laura: I'm perfectly fine. Why are you even asking ?

Ross: It seems like you've been avoiding me for weeks already.

Laura: Come on ! You're over reacting. It hasn't been that long. And I'm not even avoiding you.

Ross: Yeah not weeks but 2 weeks 12 days 28 minutes and 36 seconds by now that you haven't answered to any of my 20 calls, 15 emails and 46 texts sent to you.

Laura: Well someone has been counting. What makes you think I'm avoiding you ?

Ross: Let's see. The fact that you asked a question because that means you're hiding something.

Laura: Ugh you got me.

Ross: I knew it. So why so ?

Laura: I wouldn't talk about this right now. So meet me at my porch outside my house.

Ross: Wait. Hold on. Isn't your wedding tomorrow ?

Laura: Yeah ? So ?

Ross: I shouldn't be bothering you. You might be busy or something.

Laura: I don't care. My Mom's not even home.

Ross: Maybe next time Laur. I don't wanna be intruding in your house.

Laura: No ! It's all fine. I won't mind. The wedding won't be still at 8am tomorrow.It's just one in the afternoon so I'll get my beauty sleep after you leave.

Ross: Are you sure ?

Laura: Stop asking question. Just come.

Ross: Fine. You're very persuasive. Be there by 5. Bye Laur.

Laura: See Ya !

• • •
Crap. I look like the ex-boyfriend who just got dump by his ex-girlfriend Which is basically me. I look stupid in this attire.


Marcus: Oh Mr. Lynch you're here. Ms. Marano is waiting for your arrival. She's at the garden having tea.

Ross: Thank you.

I started walking and Man ! I always get lost in their house. There's like hundred rooms and I still don't remember which room is which. The last time I went here I was looking for Laura's room. I ended up opening the bathroom door and so their old cook making a wee. Gross. That was a huge huge mistake. Forget about it. But gladly it's in the garden which makes it more easy to see cause it's outside. Well here I come.

Laura's POV
Ross is taking soooo long to come here and I'm so bored. Oh come on Laura that's what you get for hoping for nothing. Whatever.


Oh someone's here !

Ross: Hey Laura.

Laura: You decided to show up.

Ross: Yeah. You were very persuasive and you were literally getting on my nerves.

Laura: Oops. Didn't mean to disturb you.

Ross: Well it's all fine right now.

Laura: So why did you wanted to talk ?

Ross: Why were you begging for me to come ?

Laura: Hey, I wasn't begging for you and wait.I asked the question first.

Ross: And I also had a question.

Laura: I asked first.

Ross: Fine.

Laura: Fine.

Ross: I wanted to say that I didn't mean what I said last time we saw each other. I just got lost and what happened before made me feels something weird so I-

Laura: Wait what happened before ? (Smirks)

Ross: (whispers) i kissed you.

Laura: Why are you whispering it. Are you ashamed ? Am I such a bad kisser ?

Ross: NO ! Not at all. It's just um it so awkward. So whatever what was I saying I didn't mean to say that I love you. It just slipped out.

Laura: Okay I got it. Then why did you come here ?

Ross: Well someone was pleading me to come but it's her wedding day tomorrow.

Laura: Ugh. Just leave. I need to get my beauty sleep.

Ross: But it's just 5:30 in the afternoon ?

Laura: So what ? More time of sleeping.

Ross: Aren't you gonna eat dinner ?

Laura: I don't ear dinner.

Ross: How come ?

Laura: Well my mother said 2 weeks before the wedding stop eating dinner first because the dress might not fit.

Ross: Well you're so thin and even if you eat a lot nothing will change. You're still thin.

Laura: I'm thin ? I got fatter from the last 2 weeks ! I ate so much junk food.

Ross: Still nothing has changed from your body.

Laura: Go to hell. You're such a liar. MARCUS !

Marcus: Yes Madame ?

Laura: Could you please bring Mr. Lynch to the front door and make him leave ?

Ross: But Laura ?

Laura: Shush. Ross stand up come with Marcus. (Leaves)

Ross: Ugh. Bye Laura you are so-- and she left.

Marcus: Come on Sir.

Ross: Yeah.

• • •

Laura's POV
Kill me now. Wedding tomorrow and I am no near excited. I hate my mother. And it's 6:00. I have to sleep. Screw you tomorrow !!

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