Chapter 22

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Ross' POV
What the hell. Am I seeing this for real ? Is this a dream ? This happened a lot before. Wake up Ross. I can't believe this. I'm messed up. Laura's just wow. She was on the ladder working on some stuffs

Laura:Hey Ross

Wow she looks per-fect . Like whut even is happening.

Laura: Uh Ross hello there ?

I didn't even notice I was staring.

Ross: Oh um uh yeah well uh um I need to go get something upstairs. I'll be right back.

Laura's POV
Guess who got Ross stuttering ? Me ! Well so far the plan is going well. Just a little this and that and we are done. Bye Bye Scarlett. I wasn't actually working on the lights just workin on some an angle to get him staring. And I don't even know how the stupid lights work.

Ross: I thought I told you not to do anything.

Laura: You expect me to listen ?

Ross: Wow. I thought you agreed to just sit down.

Laura: And I changed my mind. I chose not to follow

Ross: Laura, you just can't break the deal if you want to.

Laura: Are you the boss of me ?

Ross: You know what ? I won't continue this. (walks away)

Laura: (goes down from ladder) continue what ?

Ross: This ridiculous argument.

Laura: You're such a baby.

Ross: Me ? The Baby ? You're the one who didn't listen !

Laura: I thought we are ending this fight.

Ross: You're the one who started it.

Laura: Ugh ! You make everything seem harder !

Ross: None of this would have happen if you didn't come here !

Laura: So now you're blaming me for coming here ?

Ross: Yes ! And why are you even here ? What's your point of coming here ?

Laura: I just wanted to visit you.

Ross: And why do you want to visit me ?

How do I say that I'm planning to break up Him and Scarlett. Ugh this sucks ! I'm screwed. I don't know what to say. First time I'm actually speechless.

Ross: Answer Me !

Laura: I don't know what to say I just (sigh)

Ross: What is it !


Ross: What did you just say ?

Stupid me. Why did I say it in that tone of voice ?

Laura: Nothing. Forget it. I'll sit down on the chair.

Ross: I understand that. Why are you planning to this ?

Laura: None of your business. Just continue working on the lights.

Ross: I'm not starting unless you say it.

Laura: Well sorry I'm not telling you anything.

Ross: Come on Laura ! But can't you just see I'm very happy and overly ecstatic about my relationship with Scarlett.

Laura: (head down) i just want things to go back to normal. (Mumbles)

Ross:Pardon me ?

Laura: I think I had enough of this. Bye Ross.

Ross: Wait. Last question.

Laura: What do you want ?

Ross: This is very irrelevant to what had happened but a quick question. Why are you wearing that ?

Laura: Wearing what ?

Ross: The paper airplane necklace I gave you ?

At first I thought he was talking about the clothes.

Laura: It very special to me.

Ross: Huh ?

How come he doesn't remember when we went to the woods ? I might have not said this before but the night before the big date Ross took me to the woods. We stayed there for a night and that was actually our first official date. Not the one in the helicopter and the carriage.

Laura: You gave me this on our first date.

Ross: Right. I remembered saying " We will be flying like the paper airplane goes up and down."

Laura: Yeah. I remembered. But I didn't tell you that what you said had not made any sense.

Ross: Whatever. It's the thought that counts. Well you didn't actually care when I said thar before.

Laura: Yeah. I was very happy that time.


Laura: Oh ! Joe's here. I have to go bye Ross. (Kisses his cheek)

What the hell did I just do ?


Hello there lovely people thank you sooo much for 1k reads ! I am so grateful. And KCAs is nearly close. So continue voting !

Bye 💕

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