°• chapter two •°

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"Hey Damiano, come on, get over here!" Thomas yelled from the backyard.

We were finally back home, Italy, after spending some time in London.

Thomas, Victoria, and Ethan were next to the pool, mixing different tunes to go with the lyrics of Vent'anni, our next single.

"I'm coming I'm coming!" I exclaimed from the kitchen, balancing a tray of four cocktails in my hands and a cigarette in my mouth.

After I gave everyone their cocktail, Thomas asked, "What do you think of this, we like it?"

Thomas got his guitar, and played a tune for a couple of seconds, then stopped, and changed it up the second time. Vic nodded along, and when he finished she said, "I like the second one a lot."

Ethan took out a cigarette and said as he lit it, "The second one is better, we could maybe slow it down a little?" and Thomas did that which after I said, "I like the slowed one a lot, it matches the lyrics nicely," as pressed the cigarette kn the metal tray, taking a sip of my drink.

"Wait, I'll make a video, get fans excited," Vic said, continuing, "Dam, Give me your phone, your camera's the best."

I obeyed her, getting up and bringing my phone to her, "Just don't get annoyed, I need to get it fixed, glitches as hell."

"Okey yeah," when I got back to my chair, she started to exclaim, "Shit, fuck, crap, fuck, what the fuck's happening for Christ's sake," opening her eyes wide, as I got up from my seat again.

"Told you it glitches like fuck," I took the phone from her hands, waiting for the screen to calm down.

I sat next to her, and when it calmed down, on the screen were messages from a fan, they were accepted, "Shit what do I reply?" I whispered, more so to myself as I started reading them from the beginning.

The first one was from summer last year, messaging about how they love our band, then rants started to come in, apparently, she got kicked out by her parents when they found out she didn't want to go to Medical school as the parents wanted, some random rants about other celebrities, then she lost her job, and broke up with her toxic boyfriend a month or two later, 'brutal' I thought to myself.
I had liked the messages, then decided to reply to the rants individually, 'no hurt to do.'

First I replied with thanks, then agreed on some of the rants, expressed my sorriness for the loss of the job, confessed to how much of a dick the boyfriend had been, at least according to their messages.

"Dude, you reply to my messages with a 'K'," Vic glared at me, I just smiled sweetly and replied "But you don't rant about your life's problems, plus how can I resist when their username is," I looked back at the phone, chuckled and continued, "noobmaster69," and Ethan turned his head towards me and laughed, "You're right, they're a Marvel fan."

"Anyway," I said as I put down my phone, "Let's get back to the song."

The entire time my phone kept buzzing, I just turned it off and focused on the song, deciding to check the notifications later.

When we finished, we decided to order some Chinese food and watch a movie, turning on "Avengers: Endgame," I wanted to see where Noobmaster69's reference was from.

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