°• chapter fifteen •°

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"I still can't believe that we're in Italy."

When we arrived at Måneskin's house, they showed us around the house and the rooms. It was a quite beautiful building, and I giggled to myself when I realized that they had cleaned up, I had been a fan for three years, and not once in their live streams had I seen the house so clean. I and Anne would sleep in the guest room while Sam shared a room with Thomas since his room was the biggest.

From time to time I would look at Dam and whisper to myself, "God, he's beautiful."

After taking showers and cleaning up, we decided to go to the pool, it wasn't warm enough to swim, it was still February after all, so we opted to just sunbathe.

Thomas and Anne were lying next to the pool on towels, Vic was inside, she had offered to prepare cocktails, Ethan and Sam were on beach chairs next to Thomas and Anne, while I and Dam were on the two unicorn floaties in the pool, being careful to stay dry.

"Buona giornata, Piera ed Eliseo!" Vic exclaimed sarcastically, a large tray in her hands as she came into my view, but then I realized she wasn't talking to us, her head was turned towards the fence on my left, towards everyone else.

It was a wood fence, a little worn out with spaces between the planks, I could make two figures between the planks, probably a man and a woman, a couple, they looked quite old.

"Who are they?" questioned Sam.

"My favorite neighbors" Vic handed all of us our drinks and sat on a beach chair along with Ethan and Sam.

Thomas coughed and I could make out a "You mean most hated," and Anne turned towards him, waiting for an explanation.

"They called the cops on us last year," Ethan said, and when everyone had focused on him he continued, "She wasn't wearing a top, we were sunbathing, but the police couldn't do anything, it was on private property and in no way provocative," Dam just laughed, "That's why they've been glaring at us."

I started laughing, "If Vic not wearing a top pissed them, they're probably raging with hatred now," referring to myself and Anne being topless too.

None of us really cared about being topless, boobs were boobs, what's the difference?

Well, I guess Måneskin's neighbors didn't have the same opinion as us.

"Also," Dam took a sip from the cocktail, "We're going out tonight, tomorrow is visiting tourist spots in Rome, Wednesday is free, Thursday is Milan, but like real Italians, Friday we leave for, drum rolls please," Ethan starting to hit the chair's handles in a drum-like manner, "Portofino!"

"Holy shit!" I, Sam, and Anne all exclaimed in unison.

"At this point, I'm starting to get convinced that that's the only thing you guys can say," Thomas joked.

"We'll never be able to repay you guys," Anne said as she smiled sweetly.

"You guys have to come to Paris, then we'll repay you," I suggested and Ethan said, "Deal," to which Vic agreed.

Continuing, Vic said, "Dam?" and took a sip of her drink, when Dam lifted his head, she continued "I dare you to jump in the water."

"Fuck you," he obeyed the dare, splashing me a little, then quickly ran into the house, searching for a towel presumably.

"Why did he listen?" I laughed as I asked Vic.

"He hasn't given up a dare since we formed the band, kind of a tradition at this point."

"Huh, good to know, good to know."

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