°• chapter five •°

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The annoying sound of my alarm woke me up, blasting from under my pillow. I groaned as I slid my hand under my head, taking my phone, turning off my alarm, and opening my notifications bar.

I saw a message from Damiano, 'Good night :)' I just liked it and got out of bed, deciding not to bother him too much. After I made my bed I took a quick shower, and while I was drying my hair I kept rereading the messages from last night, 'Holy shit, I legit flirted with Damiano, I have no filter for fuck's sake.'

"Hey Amara!" yelled Anne from her bed, "Make sure you're free Saturday night, were going to Gray's, it's his birthday!"

"Is Luka going to be there?" I groaned as I questioned her. Luka, was the toxic ex. Manipulative as they get. We had dated for two years and broke up around three months ago. I hadn't seen him since then and did my best not to do so.

"I don't think so, even if he is, the both of you are almost twenty, you guys can be in the same room!"

I put my head through the bathroom door, pointed my straightener at her, and groaned, "I'm only doing this because of you," she smiled and said, "because you love me," laughing a little.

When I finished straightening my hair, I tied a couple of the front pieces into small pigtails, but on the black uniform, white skater skirt, and light pink converse with some colorful earrings.

I took a quick mirror selfie, added a pretty filter, and posted it on my story. I grabbed a white tote bag, put the basics in it, eft my apartment, and rode my bike to the café.

"You won't believe what happened last night!" I screamed as I got in through the back door, knowing that Sam was probably at the counter.

"Morning to you too Light!" yelled the familiar voice.

"Good morning your highness," I chuckled as I bowed down as I entered the main room of the café, behind the counter where Sam was cleaning cups, "Last night, I was texting the hottest man on the planet."

As I grabbed one of the towels and started to wipe down the tables, Sam asked, "Oo, my Dancing queen has found a new guy, who is it?"

I stared at him blankly, thinking he would have figured it out, "Damiano dumbass."

"Shit, I thought that was like a one-time celebrity thing, how is he, stuck up in disguise or is he actually nice?" He leaned over the counter.

"He's very nice, we didn't talk too much, I had to go to bed." I said as I slumped my shoulders, "We did kind of flirt, and I think we might, keyword might, continue to text."

He grinned and said, "Every time you guys text, you," he pointed towards me, "Are going to tell me," as he pointed to himself.

"Bet," I winked at him, we changed the subject and the day went by quickly.

I didn't spend much time on my phone, so when I got home, I was surprised to see that Damiano had followed me, and saw my story.

Anne was already home, we put on a random movie and I told her about last night, she got excited, then we talked about the party and what we were going to wear.

Even if I see Luka, I can at least look hot.

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