°• chapter fourteen •°

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"Where the fuck are my low doc martens?" I exclaimed as I rushed through my apartment.

Sam had come over, he was already packed so he helped me and Anne.

"You're so basic," he laughed from the living room.

"They're under your bed!" Anne yelled from the bathroom, "And my black dress, the silk one?" she continued.

"I think in the boxes on my side of the closet, Sam go look, I'm trying to find the shoes."

He came in the room with a pizza in his hand, and Anne gave him a death glare, "I swear upon sweet baby Jesus himself if you get my dress oily I will break every single one of your bones and bury you in the middle of nowhere."

"Mood," he laughed as he devoured the rest of the piece of pizza.

Around half an hour later, we were packed for the two-week trip.

Damiano had sort of prepared us for the weather in Italy, but just in case we had packed everything we could, from shorts to winter jackets. Just in case.

Each one of us brought a suitcase and a backpack, they were so full I don't even know how it all fit in the trunk of the small taxi, let alone how we passed through security.

Sam had taken his polaroid camera and way too much film for it. The moment we stepped on the plane we took a photo with it, and I took a photo of the photo, kind of anticlimactic, and posted it on my Instagram.

After around two hours, the plane landed. It was nearly one in the afternoon, most of the day was left and we weren't too tired.

When we passed through security, we started running around the busy airport, our luggage right next to us, trying to find out Italian friends.

"There they are!" Sam exclaimed and pointed to seats near the exit, on them sat Damiano, Ethan, Thomas, and Vic.

As we were running towards them, they spotted us, getting up, and started to run towards us. At that point my mind was blank, I was running, smiling, laughing, and we all ended up in a hug, the seven of us.

I was pressed between Damiano, Anne, and Ethan in the middle of the hug, holding either Vic or Thomas' hand, or Sam's, I had no clue.

"Benvenuto in Italia!" Damiano yelled as we all started separating, a good portion of the people around us staring.

"Holy shit!" I ran and hugged him again.

"Nice to finally see you, Agent Lightwood," Dam said as he wrapped his arms around my back.

As we hugged, a camera clicked behind us and we saw Sam taking a picture of us, "I'm the reporter, we got to fill up that scrapbook."

"Hey, why does he get an extra hug but we don't?" Vic fake pouted, pointing at Damiano.

"Work privileges?" I laughed as I turned to him, Dam's arm still around me.

"Let's get going, enough people have stared at us," Sam said with an awkward expression on his face, the rest of us agreeing.

A/N : thanks for 3.7K reads !! <3

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