°• chapter three •°

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"What happened?" ran Sam towards me, tipping over a pack of toothpicks, franticly collecting them while I stared at my phone screen, the customers still looked at me with puzzled faces.

"I fucked up, like a lot," I started to read the replies I got.

"I'm going to need a bit more information," he breathed out, leaning on the counter and waving at the customers, "No need to worry, everything's fine," most of them turned towards their tables, a couple still staring at us, whom I shot a smile.

"I really fucked up," I whispered, and when he glared at me I continued, "Okay, look, when I needed to rant sometimes, you know, I didn't want to bother anyone, so, I texted celebrities, none of them open their DM's right?" as I widened my eyes, and he just shrugged his shoulders, "One did," and Sam widened his eyes, "Damiano, the dude from Måneskin," and when he still stared at me confused, I sighed and said, "The hot Italians."

"Ohh, yeah I know, so, he opened your DM's!?" he had started the sentence like any other, but when he realized what I had said he widened his eyes, not believing his words.

I sighed and nodded in response.
"Holy fuck, what'd he reply?" Sam nudged my arm, as I turned my phone towards him, to which he replied, "that's not that bad?"

"It isn't, I just have a lot of explaining to do," as I grabbed my phone back and some customers walked in, Sam walking towards their table.
I started replying, not sure even what to type.


'Um, so, I don't really know where to start'

'Those were just'

'When I don't know who to text I text random celebrities'

'Not that you're random'

'I love your guys' music'

'I'm sorry again'

I checked my phone the entire shift, and every time I saw the same thing, not even seen on the messages.

"No response from good old-fashioned loverboy?" Sam asked as we cleaned up the café, the 'closed' sign flipped at the door.

"Nope," I replied with a straight mouth, "I'll get going, if Anne's home I'll tell her, bye," I hugged Sam, riding my bike home, the sunset creating a pink shadow over the city.

When I entered the apartment, Anne was on the couch, watching some movie, and I asked her, "not staying at Gray's?"

"No, he's working late tonight," she groaned as she took some popcorn.

"Then, let me shower ad I have something to tell you."

After I showered and put on some pajamas, I sat next to Anne on the couch and told her about today, and what had happened.

"Holy fuck," she just stared at me while I replied, "My same response."

"I don't know, maybe, just reply you're sorry, or don't reply, wait you said you replied to him, then just wait, see if he responds," she said, as confused as me.

I continued to watch the movie with her, trying to distract myself from the messages that whirled in my head.
While I laid in bed, I thought one last message would suffice.

"Did I ruin my chances of being the mysterious girl you meet at the café?"

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