Chapter 2

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Beauty is not in the face
Beauty is a light in heart
-Kahil Griham

Alec's POV

I was sitting at baked and fried with my friends talking about absolutely anything that crossed our minds.

"Hey bitches. I need you to meet someone" Stella shut us up

"Hey" a very known voice entered my ears. Thea. Thea Claire Hart.

Our parents are super close so I knew see was enrolled under our university but I never got to know the branch but now I do.

She is the kind of girl you can't help but fall for. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Her cascading brown hair, her glistening blue eyes, her perfectly sculptured body always gained attention and unlike some people she exactly knew how beautiful she was and what effect she had on others. But I didn't fall for her because of her looks , she is like a mystery which I can't help but indulge into. Her engulfing aura never fails to amuse me. She is way more than the eyes meet.

Intentionally or unintentionally I have always been a dick to her. When I was young I thought that was the only way to gain her attention. Ofcourse I was wrong but by the time I realised that my little Claire had already become quite popular and grown up to be the strong headed girl she is and I had become a certified douche bag to her.

I wanted to make her mine but I would never force anything on her. My respect for her was way more than my admiration for her. I want to do the right thing and I will abide by my words

"Cockroach" Claire narrowed her eyes

She looks so cute

"I was wondering where the smell was coming from....see guys I have found the source" i smirked

And I did it again

"I think we all did it's coming from you cockroach"

Still feisty

"Sorry to cut your meeting short but I have to introduce you first" Stella cut us off

After Stella introduced Claire we all ordered well except Amy because she was dieting.

"Oh my god look this dress looks amazing. Should I buy it for myself?" Amy asked Stella specifically

"Umm it's too red" Stella answered

"What do you think Thea?" Stella asked


"Hey don't ask for her advice you will look like her." I interrupted her

"Yeah why don't you take advice from him about how to look like a man whore"

"I love you for how you put Alec in his fucking place" Jeremy said

I love you............. is it that easy to say?

"As much as my nosy self wants to ask you about your hatred for each other I better not it seems ummm..... complicated" Stella commented

Well it is complicated. My dumbass loves her and after years also we remain enemies. I still don't have any idea how to go about it

Thea's POV

I was really tired so after having my amazing cappuccino I left for my room and slept through dinner.

The next day went by a jiff as I unpacked my things. Amy and Stella helped me unpack and decorate my side of the dorm and amidst all these we got to know eachother way better.

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