Chapter 29

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Love is the most beautiful
thing to have
Hardest thing to earn
And most painful thing to loose

Third person's POV

"What happened?" a concerned Alec ran towards Dan as he heard Thea shout

"I can't understand"

"WHY DON'T YOU PEOPLE UNDERSTAND I WANT TO DIE?" Thea shouted in a hoarse voice

The police had arrived about 10 mins ago to interrogate her. Dan and Natalia were too eager to pin the one person down who was responsible for Thea's suicide.  Hardly did they know they were one of the very reasons.

"Why won't you let me die?"
"I don't want to live"
"I want to die"
"I want to die"
There was a loud clanking sound

"We need sedatives" a doctor in her 30s came out of the cabin instructing a nurse

"What's going on? I am her father please tell me" Dan pleaded only to be completely ignored by her

"What is going on?" Sam asked as him, Andy and Jeremy came back for their dorm

Alec could just shake his head in answer. It felt like someone was driving a knife through his heart.

The police walked out of the cabin gathering everyone's attention

"Is she okay?" Dan asked

"I think we should do this when she gets well"

"Nothing is wrong with my daughter" Dan held the tall inspector by collar

Natalia who had gone to buy some food was shocked to see her cold husband acting up

"Dan leave him" Natalia along with a few others pushed Dan back

"I am sorry for his behavior" Natalia apologized

"It's okay i understand" the inspector said straightening his collar before they walked off

There were more of Thea's howls and cries before everything went silent

Nobody could imagine what went on in that cabin. Thea was never a violent person, she hardly expressed her emotions, the drastic change in her behavior sacred everyone.

"Excuse me Mr. and Mrs. Hart, i need to talk to you " the lady in her 30s said coming out of the cabin

"Is she alright?" Alec asked with a deep longing in his voice

"No she is far from alright."

"Will she be okay?" Natalia asked

"We need to take her to a mental health unit. I know Mr. Hopper already spoke to you about this, but this is more serious than we thought, she is clearly suicidal and extremely aggressive. She has tried to hurt herself three times already"

"Noo" Natalia cried

"I am sorry but that is the truth. She is finding ways to kill herself it was not an impulsive decision. I would recommend you to get her admitted as soon as possible"

"Can we meet her?" Dan asked

"After she wakes up...yes but i am not sure you will like to see your daughter like that"

Thank you doctor" Jeremy said as no one responded
It was a little past 10 when Alec returned from the hospital canteen. Jeremy, Sam and Andy had forced him to eat something dragging him to the canteen.

He was broken to the core, he couldn't stop crying, it was clear from his behavior how much he actually loved her. Dan and Natalia arranged the best psychiatric facilities for Thea. She was being admitted to Berkeley's Mental health unit.

Dan and Natalia entered the cabin as the nurse informed them Thea was awake.

Thea laid in the bed closing her eyes as tears rolled down her cheek. Her usually styled hair looked messy tied in a loose braid. Her face was pale with hints of bruises.

Their hearts ached as they saw her like that but the worst sight was her hands and feet.....her hands and feet were tied to the bed. Neither of them could gather the courage to go near her let alone talk to her.

Alec estimated the sight inside the cabin as he saw Natalia and Dan sobbing as they came outside. But he was determined he had to meet her.

He flinched at the sight of Claire, but nevertheless he sat calmly beside her.

"Claire" he called softly. Thea recognised the voice almost immediately. She slowly turned her head to look at him.

Her eyes were as cold as held no emotions at all.

"Hi!" Alec failed to understand what to talk about

"I don't want you here"

"Claire please"

"Go to Amy, get out"

"I don't want to because i am with the person i love"

Thea took a look at him before she turned to the other side.

"You don't have to talk to me, i am just here to say whatever happens i am always here i will always be here "

"Why would you do that? I am a slut, a whore who breaks up relationships right?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't act innocent i know you hold me responsible for Sanjay and Alison's break up"

"What? Who fed you all this bull shit.....wait let me guess Amy"

She didn't reply

"Well she lied Claire. You know what else she lied dating her, i never dated her i never dated anyone.... Fuck that i never even liked any other girl except..."

Thea turned to look at Alec

"Except you Claire" At this point Alec was crying "I have loved you as long as i can remember, while you hated the guts of me. I always thought we would never be close enough let alone date. When you dated Ryan right in front of me i almost died of jealousy, and when finally we had something go our way Amy stirred up all kinds of problems"

Thea cried silently as he heard him speak

"Maybe next time Alec" she said in a shaky voice

"Why not now Claire? We will do everything...exactly how you want it" she shook her head as she continued crying.

"I don't want to live Alec"
Alec couldn't hold back his tears any longer.

"I want to die" The machine beeped, she was restless continuously trying to untie herself

"Claire it's okay...its okay" Alec brushed her hair but the machines continued beeping alarming the staff

"Get out" The female doctor from before shouted at Alec.

Thea's friends and family were once again gathered outside the cabin. It became clear to them there was no other way but to shift her to Berkley that very day.


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