Chapter 10

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Let your rage out
After all it's a small life
What are we gonna do hiding it
Let it out if you are
Ready to face the consequences
- Hariharan Kumar

Alec's POV

After our football practice Andy, Jeremy and I headed to you guessed it Baked and Fried.

The girls were already there Claire smiled beautifully at me and waved. God is it hard to get over someone whom you meet everyday and specially as our relationship is better than ever.

"Ames still hangover?" I asked

"She won't talk" Stella said

"Ames have some coffee" I handed the cup to her

"Can anyone tell us what happened?" Jeremy asked

"Amy dragged me to a bar with her , then a douche challenged her to drink more than him and guess what, she did. Then a guy found her hot and took her to the dance floor and then as they were about to kiss , Amy the great vomitted all over him and I being the amazing guy that I am  brought her to my apartment as she didn't bring her dorm key." I explained

All of them laughed and Amy tried to hit me.

"Though this was a very fun story I think there is someone within us who would like to share something about her amazing night"


"Oh god" Claire whined

"I thought we were friends Thea. Can you hear that that's the sound of my heart breaking" Andy said dramatically and Thea hit his arm

"If Stella knows we are entitled to know" Jeremy said

"I have the worst headache but I want to know too" Amy said

"I might have slept with Ryan"


"As in slept together or slept together slept together" I asked

"Bro, I think you are still drunk" Jeremy said

Oh god! I felt like someone was relentlessly stabbing me.

"We want details" Stella said

"Uhm I have to go somewhere. You people continue" I stood up

"Where?" Claire asked

"To meet someone" she raised an eyebrow "bye" I literally stormed off the cafe.

I went to my apartment and after punching the shit out of my punching bag for god knows how long I felt a bit calm but my mind was still clouded with many things and my heart was pounding. And believe it or not I knew exactly what to do.

Knock knock knock

I hardly have people coming to my apartment. I opened the door to find Claire.


"A ha"

"What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here? Didn't you have to meet someone?"

"I asked first"

"I am checking up on you. Now answer me"

"The person cancelled"

"And are you going somewhere?"

"Uh yeah"



"Don't say somewhere"

"Train station"


"To do something"

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