Chapter 11

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When I feel close to someone,
the person becomes a part of who
I am
- unknown

Thea's POV

It has been 2 months since I have been to the train station with Alec. In this two months everything has take a turn for the better. In ages I am genuinely happy.

Ryan and my relationship is better than any relationship I have ever had. Ryan and I literally spend anytime we get , together. He is so sweet, he is always doing cute things for me but one thing I can't ignore how possessive he gets not only because of Alec but literally any guy even his friends with whom I have recently gotten close to. I hope he can trust me like I trust him

Talking about relationships Alec and my relationship has gone from zero to million. We talk way more than we ever did and guess who is the happiest about this ofcourse madré. Now that I think about it I have never really noticed him neither his good looks nor his amazing personality. Ewww I can't believe I actually said that

Stella and Jeremy have made it official. They look so beautiful together. Amy on the other hand is smitten by someone but won't disclose who, which is frustrating. Andy is still single and for some reason always gets flustered when this topic arises.

Coming to my amazing parents note the sarcasm my father still has not bothered to call , while my mom still finds humiliating me entertaining.

I was currently going to Ryan's house as usual.

"Hi" Ryan said opening the door and kissed me

"Hel- you are wearing a towel"

"I know" he continued walking closer to me

"Wear something" I said pushing him back with my hand on his chest

"Nothing you haven't seen before"

"I know but it just uncomfortable" he chuckled and went inside his room.

"Okay now?"


"So what do you want to do?"

"You tell me"

"Tell me about your day"

"Ehh nothing special did my classes spend some time with my friends and came to spend time with my boyfriend"

"I love it when you call me your boyfriend"


"What did you do today?"

"Same old same old. But today I didn't get to hang out with my friends because we have a important football game coming so coach wanted to discuss some things " he said and laid down putting his head on my lap.

"Oh. When is it?"

"In a few days"

"That's nice"

"I am hungry. Let's make something"

We headed to the kitchen and decided to make steak and Potato Lyonnaise

"I will help you"

"No!last time you cooked"

"No, I almost burnt down your kitchen "

After persistently persuing him he finally instructed me to chop the vegetables

I went ahead to chop the vegetables but not long before he gasped


"You're gonna cut yourself"

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